
Even if you show them data that it’s decreasing, they’ll just say “well, Obama is just doing this temporarily to help get Kamala elected”.

The dealers and makers have found the pain point for consumers. Any drop in the interest rates will see an increase in prices, just the same as has been in play in the housing market. They look at what the monthly payment that will be tolerated is and will maintain that payment as their goal. 

Wait. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard every Trump voter I meet telling me that gas prices are at an all-time high, and the only way to get them back down again is if he’s back in office.

Tesla Is Losing Its Sales And Technology Lead

but they tweaked the door handle and headlight design and gave it slightly adjusted the body contours.

Musk knows he can’t do either, so he just chose the one that would keep wall street most interested and keep the stock price up a little longer.

Imagine if Tesla spent tens of billions of dollars on proper R&D instead of giving it to their CEO man-baby!

Sorry… when exactly did Tesla start making affordable cars?

ol’ ExpiredSeafood up there is the biggest Tesla shill here, it’s hardly worth the effort of interacting with him when it comes to Elon - those balls will be gargled to completion, no matter what.

Man what a weird take.  It hits a demographic that’s about it. 

This, 100%.

Seems like the kid’s mom should have put some hard and fast limitations on her criminal son, so I’m pretty O.K. with the precedent getting stretched here.  It would have taken the huge step of, oh I don’t know, NOT leaving the keys to the Bimmer sitting on the kitchen counter when she left town.  Not much to ask when

Forest Gump.

Sounds to me like this mom was afraid of her own child. She did things to placate him and avoid violence, much like an abusive spouse.


Now playing

Jesus, repost your advert when the antipsychotics kick in.

Craigslist to sell a $100k+ car???

Nope, the aftermarket detracts, I don’t care who did the work.

I bet its not uncommon for the CEO of a company that big to travel 50% of the week or more, the “commute” is probably a fraction of the total miles that corporate jet will log.

...I am divorced I have found myself with a little extra cash...