
To add, digital IDs and insurance cards just add an extra layer of frustration for the cop conducting the traffic stop, even if allowed by law. Best practice is to still have those physical cards on your person and in your vehicle. That one simple thing could be all it takes to drive off with a warning.

I was wondering about this. I recently got a notification that Ohio is allowing digital IDs and I opted out. No way am I giving even the slightest hint of consent to search my phone. Not that I’m doing anything illegal, just do not trust law enforcement at all.

No shit.

Yeah this is exactly why I can’t understand why ANYONE would want this. I’m NEVER handing my unlocked phone over to a stranger. 

Snowflake got triggered, literally.

(looks at his pic) Lord knows he hasn’t...

Perhaps he tried, but his mom remodeled the basement so he can’t.

Even saying the name Harley Davidson makes you think of the American flag.”

Conservatives: “Libs are a bunch of snowflakes!!!”

Harley Davidson: “We’re implementing a DEI initiative”

Conservatives: “HOW DARE YOU!!!”

You don’t really think this is about the LGBTQ community right? They’re STILL upset that Black people and Latino people have the same rights as white people. If they had their choice, they would strip rights away from ANY non-white people. THAT is their actual goal.

As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.

I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep tonight knowing I was owned so much.

Don’t you see, the motorcycle represents people he doesn’t like. He’s fantasizing about shooting people he doesn’t like. Very stable.

Filling your own motorcycle with bullet holes because the company tried to diversify it’s workforce & customer base.

I think he most likely made more money than what the bike is worth.   I am not going to help him by clicking on the video.

Wow I could fill his lake with my woke liberal tears. I’m so upset. He also seemed to be a terrible shot.

How’s he going to react when he finds out gunpowder was invented by the Chinese? Does that make his guns ‘woke’? Is he going to have to drown them? (I’d suggest blowing them up but I’m pretty sure the proto-hominids who discovered fire would not have been considered ‘white’.)

As a lib, I feel so owned after seeing this video.

This guy probably doesn’t actually care what Harley thinks. He did this for attention and the clicks, and you fell right into his trap.

You have only yourselves to blame! The police wouldn’t have to hide doing all the things they shouldn’t be doing if you didn’t insist that they didn’t do them!