
John McElroy has been an automotive journalist in Detroit for a LONG time, and is as plugged into the big-3 as anyone in the industry. He’s not just some podcaster throwing out rumors for clicks.

“North American operations are basically funding the rest of the group.”

Good luck with that strategy in the long run...or for that matter, the rest of the year. This is what happens when you jack up Jeep and Ram prices over $100K, make them all in white or grey, then attempt to move them by knocking 5% off. Screw

“if they could not fly, no one else can either.”

I’m going to guess the recent MBA grads thought they’d “cut costs” by eliminating the cheaper, volume sellers, and boost profits by building “high margin” stuff.

The handwriting has been on the wall for Stellantis for a while, if you ask me — anyone could see that their product line was withering, they weren’t really trying to do anything new, and they were unsustainably pushing their cash cows (jeep and ram) to higher price points so as to generate revenue. Time for their

This. Replacing simple V6 and V8 with the Hurricane is going to haunt them a few years down the road. It’s too soon to tell if the hurricane is going to be reliable or not, but it’s going to be so expensive to maintain after 5-10 years.

300, Charger, Challenger, all dead. Chrysler has 1 product (Pacifica around since 2016 with little changes). Dodge consists of the Hornet and the ancient Durango which will either go out of production or get replaced. The Ram no longer has a V8 (and a Hemi at that) and good luck trying to market to the same people

The car is probably in ‘storage mode’ and as such does not have the battery fully connected?

That price is what I was thinking. For the asking price it would have to be a fully loaded Town & Country or something truly unique. There is ‘72 Plymouth Sport Suburban that frequently makes the rounds on the internets- it has factory power sunroof, white vinyl, and police interceptor 440. That I might pay $20k for

Then there are those of us owners that didn’t give a damn either way about their policies, and totally ignored all the recent kerfluffle...

Mid-40's here. Is this attractive? Yes. Is it $20k attractive? ND. To answer your question on “Should we have kept more in the barn under tarps”....that answer is always NO in my book. Its intent at assembly was to be driven - so drive it until it can drive no moreThey’re tools, not jewels.

It’s weird to deliberately hitch your wagon to a dying species.  

Not sure if I dislike the dimwits that pushed them for this or the spineless twits that capitulated to the dimwits more. I’d say HD lost a customer but their image already held zero appeal.

ND, can’t quite do it.
That money buys a lot of used vehicle entertainment, including similar wagons with big blocks and towing packages...the the cheat code for sleeper haulers.

A 360 V8 doesn’t have that much oomph getting all of that land barge’s mass moving. ND all day.

Surprised they bothered in the first place. The “Fuck Biden” signs still rocked at my local dealership/mechanic is enough for me to decide firmly never to even consider doing business. 

Love it.  Especially that green interior, bring back fun interior colors!  But I feel the value maxes out around $10k.

Barclay’s announced today that ANYONE that had anything to do with this shit show will see a minimum of a 40 percent reduction in earnings this year.

So....Musk does a rare smart move and lets other manufacturers access his charging network. Then he starts gargling orangutang juice. If Musk succeeds in helping his fellow dipshit cult leader win the election, he’ll find a rapidly shrinking customer base for his charging network.

Trump about Musk: “What an idiot, it’s so easy to manipulate him!
Musk about Trump: “What an idiot, it’s so easy to manipulate him!”

And for once, they’re both right.