
The scent of blunt fills the cabin.

My other vote would be for Peugeot’s 504's. I remember watching alot of those nature films taken in Africa and if it wasn’t a Land Rover it was a Peugeot being used to ferry people around the various corners of the unpaved paths. I got spend three summers in Tuscany/Umbria behind the wheel of one of these wagons

This is a No Dice, but not because of the engine swap.

If they bothered to swap in a less ridiculous and more modern transmission and kept the AC working, I’d be in on this price. It isn’t perfect, but it’s very cool. Pair those two issues with the dubious sourcing of the SBC swap and it’s a ND for me.

If done right (and completely), a good SBC engine is the way to go. More power, economy, reliability, maintainability. Should have included a swap to a more modern transmission.

More proof that money can’t buy taste.

A luxury car with no AC?!?

This is something like 6 Jaguars of this era with a SBC in them. There was one for sale locally and the owner said that the cost of getting the V12 fixed was way more than the car was worth, but a SBC was an easy swap.

“We would like to buy a Tesla.”

It’s from the source.

“Companies are using invasive technology to violate the rights of our citizens in unthinkable ways,” Paxton said in a statement. “Our investigation revealed that General Motors has engaged in egregious business practices that violated Texans’ privacy

Elon as far as I can tell never gave a damn about the environment. He just went into the businesses with the tax subsidies so there would be money, money, money! going his way. He against them now (how convenient).

I skip the train if I have extra time and want to get some steps in. The walkways between terminals has some interesting art and history on display.

no one with 4 private jets is an environmentalist. he also tops the list for number of private jet flights taken a year and hes in first place by a huge margin. and hes been begging the city of austin to redraw the city limits around gigatex so he can dump an unlimited amount of waste into the river here. fuck elon.

Being a professional writer used to mean something.

Shitty headline is shitty, and you know it.

Don’t forget about the Lincoln Versailles!  It was a gussied up Ford Grenada. So...some competition?

This Cimmy should have been left down in the well.

The one thing that unites Liberals and Right Wingers, they both respond to anything Musk says with the same thing: Go fuck yourself, Lonnie.

These are some of my favorite cars of all time, but the auto transmission on this one kills it.