
Contrast? It’s unadulterated hypocrisy. The GQP’s message this election cycle:

Ferrari, Lamborghini and Bentley are no longer independent like McLaren. They have HUGE corporations to back them. They can spread the R&D costs thoughout the “family”.

Probably because every major implementation of today’s vastly overhyped AI has massively overpromised and ultimately sorely underdelivered. 

It makes sense when you realize he’s the richest man in the world, a white supremacist, and a fascist. He bought Twitter, not to make money or to foster free speech, but to amplify and promote the voices of the most fascistic, racist, anti-progressive views on the platform.

Don’t forget that news media relentlessly hammered one candidate for their age, while barely mentioning the age of the other candidate, and now that the first candidate has dropped out, all talk of anyone being too old has completely vanished, even as the remaining oldster can barely speak a coherent sentence.

What caught my attention was the missing shift knob; just about the easiest item *ever* to source and install.

Uh, Boston’s traffic has been managed? News to me.

The Board will never do anything to remove Elon. He has padded it with the biggest sycophants he can find. They basically think of him as the second coming.

It’s simple. He’s insane. 

intelligently timed

I wouldn’t call it “favorite” politician, I would call it “easiest to manipulate” politician. If we know anything about Trump, we know he can be bought for the low low cost of just $1/day

Pretty much all of the NFL owners comes to mind.

Love the ECU just sitting in the passenger footwell...If they couldn’t position this critical component properly, what other corners did they cut? ND

I’m trying to think of a business magnate who has so thoroughly ground his reputation into the dirt as Elon has and I am completely blank.

The ghost of Plymouth called. It wants its Volare wagon back. 

I was okay with it until “rust intrusion at the rear of the roof along the rain gutters,” and my no vote was solidified with “the carpet has been tossed.” The first indicates that this car’s inevitable death-by-tinworm has started, and the second confirmed that it is owned by a doofus. 

$1500 maybe..if you can find the shift knob

Half the time they complain about cancel culture, they’re just talking about people criticizing them, which they don’t think should be allowed.

In other news people still learning free speech isnt a comprehensive protection / license to say dumb shit constantly. 

In other news, Elon “Free Speech” Musk is shocked to discover things you’re free to say still have consequences.