
I’m assuming when car companies price their products, they’re going for the maximum money that they can extort from customers while they still won’t balk and walk. Fair statement? Course you’d expect Dodge to squeeze First Edition buyers—those men who just have to have one right now—and due to its strong homage to the

It's a restomod candidate. Not a full resto; not worth the trouble. Go in planning to build a cool C4 hot rod keep original parts were it makes sense and replace others with newer gear.

So that they can see who’s vulnerable to bank account scams for later in the election season. 

That’s what happens when you believe in nothing but yourself.

I remember having young eyes, I miss them.

Wait until you get “old” and need readers or bifocals, distraction isn’t the issue but quick legibility is. It’s where tactile buttons become nice for those frequent tasks, I don’t need to look at, try to focus, then read a screen, just find a set touch point then press. You don't know what you've got until it's gone.

I absolutely can use a touchscreen. I am an actual computer hardware engineer, I can use any interface from a bank of programming switches to a command line to a Tesla.

I mean, 27. In 15 years maybe less, this kid will understand what the hell we are talking about.  Your night vision goes first.

Did you mean to post this on The Onion?

They don’t think it actually makes the air cleaner. There are a couple of justifications. One is the belief that humans are not a factor in climate change (if they’re even willing to admit such a thing exists), and so by extension don’t see car emissions as a problem or negative factor that needs to be addressed.


rabble rabble mining rabble rabble child labor rabble rabble coal!!

I know you are all gonna flame me in the comments for being a cuck or a fool or whatever. Just remember, I don’t care and I’m only 27.

Or... you could stop being a prick about people’s personal likes.

Or even “hey, we have a new propulsion method that is quieter, faster, requires much less maintenance, and you can “fill up” at home every night”

For me the damning thing in the header photo is that green at the top of the windshield. Yep... that’s a reflection. If light from inside the car is reflecting off the windshield back towards your eyes at night.... it is objectively wrong. This is not about taste. It’s just wrong.

Regardless of which side of the “political aisle” you sit on, it is wild to me that there is a large group of people who are simply unwilling to accept anything that could improve the environment.

First of all, your screen name is terrific, so you get a point for that. And then you’re completely right on about Saab...I came here to post exactly that, but you beat me to it. Nice. And yes, having as little light inside the cabin is the best possible situation for night driving. So, if the author is a city boy and

Ragebait will definitely get you clicks, but well thought of articles can too. I remember Jalopnik used to have some really good interview articles and investigate articles. Can we get back to that? I feel like the only reason I'm still here is the comment section and it's a hot or miss if that is even working.

It’s not the desirable body style... and perhaps the 4-door never will be. But it’s also 1/2 to 1/4 the price of a same-year Torino in the coupe/fastback/convertible body styles. The usual “in today’s market” correction applies, but I kinda like this as a starting point for something interesting. Conservationalists

2-tone paint was an option on these.