
Ha ha ha choke Ha Choke Ha ha

You guys are looking at this all wrong.

If I worked at a dealership, and that happened to ME.....fuck yes, I would beat that son of a bitch to a bloody fucking PULP.

HR probably has that policy but he would be out of a job for losing the car

To be (un)fair, it’s a car dealership. HR probably tells the sales people that protecting the bottom line is more important than both the staff’s and the customer’s lives combined.

C’mon, Mississippi spends government funding on important stuff, like a new multi-million volleyball court at Brett Favre’s daughter’s school.  That she transferred out of...

They kindly lead out of the state, which is all I could ask.

Repressed poor people can definitely cook. I had some deep fried pork chops in MS once that could have killed me and I would have died with a smile on my lips.

A lot of people commenting haven’t driven in Florida and it shows

One thing I’ve learned from all the times I’ve suspected some sort of surreptitious, untoward activity...

I suspect they did it intentionally to rack up more clicks for The Root.

Hmmm; German (MB or BMW) V-8 cruiser from the same era or this Infinity???

Yeah, those engines and transmissions are about as reliable as it gets. If it’s gotten regular oil changes that combo will easily hit 200-300k miles. At first glance it looks well taken care of. If the seller has maintenance records I would say an absolute NP.

oh my god this shit with the root has to stop

Happening to me too.  I have no patience for this fuckery.

Was there some confusion as the story was being written?

Must be the only way they can get anyone to visit the sad shell of the Root - forced redirects!

Curiosity took me over to Kotaku for the first time in ages and it does the same thing there too when you scroll “past” the end of an article page. 

Erin, I posted this elsewhere already but I’ll put it here too: what the absolute hell is going on with this place? Scroll down too far past the extra-clicks-for-clicks-sake “continue reading” button or too far past the “show comments” button and it triggers an autoload to some random page over at The Root. The G/O

Don’t worry, he’ll see his couch and all will be ok again.

Troll harder.