
Nah, if you have a “hurt me more” fetish for Volkswagens, just go all out and get a Phaeton. The W8 doesn’t put enough benefits on the table to elevate the Passat above its humble origins as a relatively bland sedan.

Rules are for the little people silly.

My wife and I travel a lot. In our 50s we still backpack and hostel.

this is what happens when the only economy your country has is tourism. 

Hey they also buy overpriced garbage from the tourist trap shops.

great first car for a 16 year old (especially if you want to embarrass him/her).

Solar City 2.0

Counterpoint, yes because nobody should acknowledge it as X and let it keep being a thorn in the side of the stupid horse trader.

The tourists coming from Cruise are not the tourists you want. They dont stay at hotels, dont stay overnight for dinner and if you have been in Santorini, you will know they are shuttled in buses to the upper part of the island. These are not good for the locals. You want tourists that stay overnight and these are not

When Alito and Thomas finally fuck right off of this mortal coil.

Cathie Wood has entered the chat.

If they voted to hand the world’s richest man an additional $56 billy, they’re going to vote to hand money over to other companies, going to vote to smash their own balls, and vote to nuke Costa Rica because it sounds Spanish-y. Rubes, cultists, and sycophants rule the voting bloc.

I think that may actually be one of the reasons why Musk has thrown his support behind Trump… he would love nothing more than to see the FTC, SEC, CFPB, CPB, OSHA and the IRS destroyed or severely weakened.

Hey, the shareholders were “genius” enough to give him a whopper payday, so I’m sure they’ll have no problem letting Elon ransack Tesla for the benefit of xAI.

Ever year for my middle management job at my company I have to complete a survey declaring whether or not I have any business dealings or investment with any company competitors. If I did, I would probably face serious questions from the company and could possibly lose my job or forced to take a lower level position.

Yup. Remember how a few months ago before the shareholder vote on the pay package, he threatened to move all future AI development out of Tesla?

Haven’t you heard, Tesla is no longer a car company. It’s an AI company... and the CEO is running an AI company of his own! Instead of that being grounds to kick him to the curb, they’re going to pay him billions to buy his side hustle he was working on instead of doing his actual CEO job! And there’s no question this

Holy crap, I was just saying yesterday how I think it’s a massive conflict of interest that Musk is running his own AI company on the side while pushing Tesla as an AI company too, and that the only purpose would be to force TEsla to buy out xAI for a inflated price... and now here we are!

If they focused on that, they wouldn’t have given him the largest payday in history while he grinds Tesla into dust. They’re all drug buddies and sycophantic cult members, they’ll do whatever he wants.

Just go gently with the left turns and keep your seatbelt on when you drive it home, or you’ll end up with your ear pressed against the passenger window. Get six months out of it and you’re good, everything else is gravy. NP.