
Oversight and work rules would make them employees not contractors as well. 

Actually, there are several ways that both federally and in California that they do not meet the definition of a contractor, at least, not until Prop 22 was passed.

“You’re fired. Turn in your keys and pee bottle on your way out.”

Here’s what happened: he knew exactly the kind of man Musk is and is totally aligned with it. He bought a CT, and then probably started getting blowback from his own business when clients found out, and now he’s trying to claims he doesn’t like Musk and is “conflicted” but definitely not giving up is incEl Camino. 

And then, they’ll blame the Liberals!

isn’t it funny how the richest trust fund babies who started the 100 yard dash of life on the 50 yard line are the same people who talk the loudest about “meritocracy” and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps”.

Musk would be the main reason, but also their bad build quality, months-long waiting for repairs, their aggresive attitude toward denying warranty claims, and simply having locations too few and far between for maintenance and repairs.

It’s Elon, it was always going to be super weird. 

Refusing to buy from someone because of their expressed morals/politics isn’t pointless. How many times is the phrase “vote with your wallet” thrown around in response to people complaining about the antics of a company?  This is what voting with your wallet looks like.

It’s weird to support the candidacy of a man who wants to actively harm you, Elon.  It’s super weird.

So they’ll tariff GM, Ford, Toyota, BMW, Honda, VW, Audi, Hyundai, and Mazda vehicles made in Mexico increasing sales prices to US consumers?

Something something Free Market. Something something hypocritical assholes.

sure they do, champ

He’s an investment banker. He has only one value, and that is “I take other people’s money.”

They’re also both people who were born rich and remained so despite a litany of bad decisions and propped themselves up by marketing other people’s ingenuity and innovation.

he is deliberately killing off Tesla as a car manufacturer. Which is incredibly stupid. I forget his exact line but it was essentially “Tesla is an AI company and the rest is just noise. If you dont like it sell your stock” I cant imagine what amount of drugs makes you tank an extremely profitable company to chase AI

This is further proof that just because you have money doesn’t mean you’re smart. And its also further proof that people are morons and will follow someone they think is a “leader” because they think that being financially successful is all there is to it. Trump and Musk are in the same kind of person. People with

We barely even hear enough from other automaker CEO’s to form an opinion on them as people, but Musk continuously insists upon showing his ass 24/7.

favorability has dropped from 39 percent in January to 16 percent in July