
The two men — worth a combined $422.5 billion

Elvira has not aged well.

There are similar amazing deals for lightly used EVs that aren’t total garbage. I got a 2020 Ioniq Electric with $10k miles on it for $21k that had a $39k MSRP. And since it was under $25k I’ll get $4k back on the used EV tax credit. Other than only having just under 200 miles of range, which is no concern for me,

The term “witch hunt” means a race to judgement against a group of people based on something they absolutely did not do (because there’s no such thing as the classical hex-slinging witch). The thing with Trump Party members using the phrase, or associated phrases, is that in their context, WE KEEP FINDING ACTUAL

Basically, it’s to make sure political rivals don’t use the cops to interfere with voting. 

This take is pretty spot-on. His dickishness made him a target and made people really push to expose him, when he chased down that Italian rider in the break that one year just to throw his weight around, ugh, such a ass, and stupid for doing so. If he’d been gracious in winning and shared the wealth and the good

I was a conservative for all of my adult life, but I have slowly become more and more liberal in my viewpoints over the past 8 years. And Donald Trump is one of the main reasons. His rhetoric and actions have laid bare the conservative agenda for what it is. An attempt to change this country into an autocratic,

Trump says that Unions are “allowing jobs to go overseas”? How can anyone who understands anything think that this is a reality based viewpoint?

He’s offering to sell everything. Not just our environment, but our entire government.

Unfortunately, it looks like Project 2025 has filled this gap.

According to a report from Fortune he has completely backtracked on that commitment.

So he’s basically saying they don’t need to sell cars at all to be successful because they’re not a car company... and why would anyone buy a car from them at this point????

And Mexico to send a check for the big beautiful border wall he definitely finished building.

I’m seen shit-eating flies that spawned less shit-eating grins than trump.

Republicans have been actively trying to destroy the USPS for decades and fire sale its profitable parts to the most connected bidder.

It will be great for old rich white guys.

i just wanna go back to precendented times.

the resulting impact on Tesla car sales was not crucial because Tesla is an artificial intelligence company focused on self-driving technology.

OK, clarification: Donald Trump has no policies or policy ideas. He has vague ideas, mostly bad ones. Like maybe we could expose our guts to the sun to kill covid. He is however surrounded by really dangerous people who have policies, and those people know they can get him to sign off on anything if they just suck up

Axe body spray has been known to “drop cloth”.