
Unfortunately, it Looks pretty dry there.. Destruction of a flag is one thing, becoming an arson even if its easier is another.

It was the storage area for the 65,000 mugs. The mug budget has been depleted, so this will have to do.

In the interest of “southern heritage” and comity, I suggest reusing these loser, traitor flags for appropriate tasks. Like scrubbing toilets and picking up dogshit.

Loathsome creatures.  Sons of the Confederacy.  Sons of traitors, sons of bitches.  

What you have proposed is current Biden admin policy

Also, nobody builds a factory for the capacity they need today; they build it for the capacity they hope they’re going to need in a few years.

It is peak spoiled rich kid behavior to go buy/build something that you were otherwise told you can’t have, only to have it be a sad, weak version that nobody else wants anyway.

I don’t care if you’re stupid or just a liar. We have had nearly a decade of Trump’s lies, sedition and terror. The Republican Party has willingly joined his criminality. If you can’t see and acknowledge the fact of Trump’s sedition and criminal actions, you are a part of the deranged, determined and deadly minority

Vance is an antisocial, lying, self-aggrandizing scumbag. His “book” is full of lies, inaccuracies, weird fantasies and wad very obviously just an ad for a political career. He is dangerous and I hope the big Cheeto screws him over. I just fear that said Cheeto will soon eat his last KFC and we'll be left with Vance

Anecdote: I was returning a car to 30th St. Station in Philadelphia about a week ago and a woman was in line because she couldn’t get the electric (Kia, maybe?) to charge at two different stations. She was returning the car before it ran out of power and wanted a replacement. The Avis/Budget guy (I’m not sure which

It’s strange to me that no one ever mentions that they literally killed a MILLION Americans who didn’t need to die during Covid simply because he couldn’t be bothered to acknowledge it existed.

And the totally stupid thing is these are 100% software controlled and they extoll the over-the-air updates.  Tesla easily could have done a version of “valet mode” to limit acceleration, but I suspect that even if asked they would have refused because then it would have given renters the wrong idea of a Tesla’s power

what are you doubting to be true?? The acceleration of Teslas is well-known, and they didn’t do anything to govern the acceleration of their rental car sales.

A lot of, if not all, major airports do have on site gas stations for rental companies. Some even have gas stations for renters to fuel up right before dropping off. I’m sure rental companies at those airports hate that.

yep. Imagine, some executives making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year thought up and green lit that plan, and they’re still working and making that same money after losing the business millions.

I never understood the logic of offering someone an EV rental and then sending them out into an unknown area, where they don’t know how the car works, how far it can go, and where to recharge (and how to hook it up/what it will cost/what plugs they can use). So many of my flights have me arriving at airports late at

I can go to Beverly Hills Sports Car Rentals and get a Ferrari for $1200 a day. I know I’m renting a high performance car that can easily go 0-60 in 5 seconds or less. Very few people are going to rent such a car because of the price, and what it’s capable of. One of my local car rental agencies here in town was

Not sure if its still this way, but my son worked for Hertz at SMF and the airport would not allow them to install charging equipment on their leased property so whenever an EV would come in needing charged, an employee would need to drive the car a mile to the public chargers and sit with the car.

Rust never sleeps and this is a northern car.

A friend of mine had one back in the day, though. This was the era of indestructible drivetrains and it was pretty fun to throw around. I’d have to see it in person to see how cracky that price is. 

$12K?! Twelve thousand dollars? Is this real?! Is it April Fool’s?!