
They didn’t always have their fenders after Dale was done with them.

So, I looked it up. Max is from so far south in the Netherlands that he is sometimes called Belgium.

which, unlike the Patriots’ stadium, is actually in Boston” Why would the Patriots have to be in Boston? They’re not the Boston Patriots. They could be in New Haven, or Burlington, and still be in New England.

#4 there is the one that really gets me.  He’s actively harming Tesla to give an advantage to a different company.

May as well not bother with him any more. He will just keep arguing the same dumb points while claiming he won’t vote for Biden because he thinks he might die and he doesn’t like Kamala for unspecified reasons, even though Trump dying is just as likely and we don’t even know who his VP pick is yet. He’ll try to claim

No, it’s just that you are clearly trying to talk out of both end of your mouth to try to sound netural while pushing people away from supporting Biden. Just look at your own words:

As a provided of unique skilled labor, I would punish him by extracting value. Make him play a concert for national guardsmen or something. It’s not like taking his money or driving privileges will hurt him, but time is the one thing the 1% can’t buy more of.

It used to be that Congress would give the various executive agencies the power to enact regulations, since they had the scientists and other smart people to do so. As evidenced by the anti-vax push, the ultra-right is moving forward with its anti-intellectualism campaign.  We are rapidly headed toward another Dark

No we live in a world where they voted to pay him $56 billion dollars AFTER:

Unfortunately, when Tesla’s value does fall, it’s regular people with 401ks that will bear the bulk of the losses.

My other question would be, what is Musk’s current compensation agreement? All of this fighting has been over his past deal that is over now AFAIK, so what results will he be paid on now? Whatever it is, he should not be projecting to make a single penny with the way the company is performing right now.

Too many people have learned that the quick way to money is to destroy a profitable business.  (Sears, Kmart, Toysrus, red lobster...)

But it must be acknowledged that Democratic leadership has completely failed the American public”

Thanks to my Army enlistment packing me off to Germany, I travelled. I have literally stood where Hitler has stood—the Olympic Stadium in Berlin and his spot in the grandstands at the Nuremburg party rallies’ location. It’s fascinated me for decades how such a rotten lying criminal can put a nation in his thrall and

The opposite of progressive is regressive.

Heaven forbid Trump gets back in office; his policies will destroy the economy and our standing in the world, and then of course he will blame it all on Biden — and his supporters will wholeheartedly believe him.

Yes, Biden didn’t have his shit together during the debate. I honestly believe he stood there with his mouth agape because he couldn’t fathom how such a torrent of lies kept coming out of American Hitler’s mouth.

This probably killed at the rally and highlights a lot of his platform: this is different, we don’t understand it, and therefore it’s bad. Conservatism is about resisting change, which in some cases is good. In others, it can foster a “head in the sand” mentality that makes you ripe for feeding misinformation.

If you are attending a Trump rally at this point, you are already probably wearing velcro shoes. Going any lower and you might be at risk of drowning in shallow puddles.

The car looks good, but the K&N intake is what is going to kill it for the next owner. Boy-racers seem to think that putting an aftermarket air cleaner is going to help them go-faster that what the guys in Caddilac engineering fitted, when what they really do is let more particulates into the valves, combustion