
Very interested to see how the new inline 6s perform in use for both mileage and oomph, and longevity-wise with how high strung they are on output.

This is a garbage article to a garbage “peer-reviewed” study. From the link directly to the study, the model had a r=.13 correlation when tested outside of the the source photos.

It’s the term “naked shorting” that Nunes wants to grab the headline since the practice was outlawed in 2008.

Using AI to bring back phrenology is an...interesting...idea.

I heard the cars won’t shift into gear unless they have a verified HP Instant Ink subscription...

It’s still better than going to any news site and seeing Trump’s ugly mug all over the place.

The difference is fascism and racism exist.   

You are probably thinking of the Town Car.  The Continental has been front wheel drive since 1988. 

It won’t let them change the tires without taking care of the ‘Cyan low’ warning

Vote with your clicks. If you want to stop seeing them, stop clicking on them. Blogs are going to put out more content that they know people are clicking on.

I’ve always liked these, just not at $9000 for 20 years old.

Tesla doesn’t sell good cars. They sell cool cars that are status symbols. Elon killed the cool factor when he went full fascist. Now that the cars are no longer cool, they’re just overpriced cars with bad build quality.

As a progressive, I have plenty of friends that are conservative that are not assholes. There’s a big difference between fiscal conservatives and Trump lovin’ right wing nutjobs. It's sad to see so many Republicans losing their party to fascists.

I definitely think Musks antics have a lot to do with it combined with NACS. It’ll be interesting if the bad financial results will lead to positive or negative changes at Tesla. Seems as long as Musk is in charge it’s going to be a downhill turn as it’s now more about politics than progress in EVs.

This attitude a problem, unwillingness to listen to another viewpoint, Bush and Obama get along fine.

Probably a lot until the dust works its way into the important bits. This thing can’t even handle water - coal dust is FAR worse on equipment.

It seats five.

It’s the socially acceptable word for everyone who wants to rant about minorities, women, and/or LGBTQ groups, but fear they’ll get fired for using the known slurs.

Pretty easy. Most everything about Americans is sold in bulk for like a penny a person. Take vehicle registration information and combine it with political affiliation data, and bang.

That’s definitely one of the reasons, but the other reason is probably that their cars are now 6+ years old and fucking old now interior or exterior wise.