
This just in: angry narcissists insist that the problem isn't them, it's everyone that's specifically against them. More at 11, when we confirm irrefutably that water is still wet despite insistence otherwise from certain populations.

Musk’s star has faded a bit, but he’s still a vindictive bastard who is friends with VCs and other such folk. For some on the top level like Crawford, it makes a lot of business sense not to shit-talk him about what happened.

Your adorable two. Blame autocorrect :-)

All the antiwork/anti-capitalist rhetoric these days shuns such behavior but a largely ignored truth is that merit-based rewards still do exist out there for those willing to do the grind.

a largely ignored truth is that merit-based rewards still do exist out there for those willing to do the grind.

I still think “he’s very bad at his job” is the most likely answer.

Can confirm as I’ve been on both sides of it in the last 18 months. I was out to dinner with my family one Friday when my phone started screaming force new credentials for email, Slack, Okta, etc. Got a text from my boss telling me to check my personal email. We’d both just been laid off.

I wouldn’t criticize Crawford for her choice overextend herself for her job. She was throwing herself all-in in hopes of great rewards. All the antiwork/anti-capitalist rhetoric these days shuns such behavior but a largely ignored truth is that merit-based rewards still do exist out there for those willing to do the

Someone should buy this before the wife burns the clutch trying to learn the art of the modern theft deterrent system.

I don’t know if she was “underpaid” according to Silicon Valley standards for a person at her job position - she might have been. But she had a Director level position and was previously the CEO of a company that Twitter acquired. She’s doing fine.

Or she can be looked at as an overly ambitious and opportunistic Icarus who got too close to the Musk and paid the price for a not so good product roll out that embarrassed the delicate ego of the “greatest”leader” of all.

she was the CEO of Squad when it was purchased by Twitter for $40 million, i’m sure she was doing ok prior to working at Twitter

Those who jeer & mock are necessarily on the sidelines and not in the arena

Shockingly, he’s also a racist piece of shit.

If there’s a story here, it’s about the nooze media going into a feeding frenzy over something that’s basically a rumor about a vibe.

“low confidence,”

So random agencies can just conduct their own investigations now?

I hope Scott’s not paying you to do damage control for him, because I don’t think “Scott Adams saw a poll and it magically turned him racist” is an argument that’s gonna win many people over.

for frustrated office workers it was a stress outlet. like most of that kind of humor the line eventually crosses from “relatable overworked guy who is grumpy with good cause” and “ meanspirited jerk who thinks he is smarter than everyone else” he became the pointy haired boss. and worse, he was an early techbro. i

Eventually people get rich or successful enough and stop trying to be someone they’re not. Scott Adams is in his mid-60s and has been writing Dilbert for a long time - he more than likely has more money than he needs to live out the rest of his life very comfortably. So he’s at the point where he probably just doesn’t