
Please. Pay closer attention.

I wouldn’t necessarily call this a graceful exit, but it’s certainly got the makings for a prompt “Exit. Stage left.” moment.

I have no doubts that’s true. *laughing ruefully*

No. The Fifth Circuit’s response was not to provide injunctive action. The law can still, and in fact is, being directly challenged.

It is chilling social media concerns to exercise commercial speech.

No, they did not.

I know the delusion is strong with this cowboy, and that being a petty little prick is worth bonus points in the GOP. But there’s enough dirt inside this shitkicker’s boots that any and all opponents in the primary should be able to bury this clown.

OK, if you want to get into this, we can:

But the exchanges get the chance to hold all the money. And, the stablecoin exchanges are shuttering/suspending/performing maintenance” and not processing trades. The difference between escrow and absconding is only a couple of keystrokes away ...

Actually, I think you need to follow the link, and then get back on this.

Sure. I lived in Maine.

I was waiting for this shoe to fall.

Good luck with that. Texas actually already has on its books an anti-SLAPP law to specifically address this sort of issue.

Timelessly fugly, you mean. That thing looks like a blueberry turd.

Nah, that was the downsized next generation. This one was only shared with the Toronado.

The problem is, they made lots of these Eldo convertibles and they were reliable and wore well. Parts are easy to find, and don’t cost much compared to most cars of that era. They’re not exactly practical, and drink gas like it’s going out of style, so they see little mileage and are easy to keep well preserved.

Yeah, buddy!

Actually, I’ll bet it did fine. This beast could loaf at 80 mph pace car speeds from the ’70s all day long.

The ether. And not Ethercoins.

Thank God that the mainstream financial media got into breathlessly covering cryptocurrency “seriously”, just in time to watch it all burst into a ball of flame.