
I am not of the belief that every sexual relationship between a superior/subordinate is an abuse of power. yes, some are. but It’s possible for the subordinate to be genuinely into a boss.

Dear media,

Doctors and hospitals—especially in rural stretches of the nation—are already being put out of business due to hush-hush hospital group mergers that systematically reduce the number of rural providers. 

Avenatti is the man. His media savvy is something lacking amongst the resistance. 

There is a simple solution: Don’t work for employers that treat employees like shit.

Here’s a tip. Don’t a migrate to a company that treat’s employees bad. 

The average worker is not powerless. They can and should quit and find a new job. 

The whole point of becoming a corporation is too limit your losses to what you put in. So yea, they would. 

Why can’t workers just negotiate an equity stake when they agree to work for the company?

Jesus Chuck, It’s what you signed up for. Quit bitching about the job YOU ASKED FOR. 

Democrats should be panicking about creating blue wave hubris that befell them in 2016.

$25 billion for the wall is a gross underestimation. An NFL stadium is square block in size and cost $2.5 billion. but a structure 1000 miles long only cost 10x as much. Color me cynical.

I could literally retire on less than $1000/month. If they give me that as a UBI, I am kissing the workforce goodbye. 

Why’d they get rid of the laser streaked hockey puck? That was a sports television innovation I could get behind

Why don’t you just go ahead and tell him to “pay his dues”

My first guess was Nick Denton

Well Katherine, why don’t you against her? huh?

No, he’s not. He just wants someone who has “paid their dues”.

HamNo declared he hasn’t paid his dues. You are standing right in the middle of the Bernie-or-bust crowd. Michael Avenatti is nice and all, but nobody here wants him to be their grandpa. 

I would vote for Avenatti. He is sane, competent, and honest.