
I am doing well to solve my own problems, it’s a bit unreasonable to assume I can solve everyone else’s.

Why should anyone care about it? Can’t everyone just take care of themselves? Why do they need rich people to do it for them?

Move out of DC.

Move out of Seattle.

Move out of Seattle.

So not only is private equity cannibalizing industries and turning a profit on over-charging regular Americans for healthcare, it’s also becoming increasingly restricted to the very wealthiest, whose vast empires only grow.

Why wouldn’t they just leave Seattle all together?

It isn’t a disqualification either. It’s shallow to define a person by the amount of money they have.

but they remain a massive indictment of America’s private health insurance system, and something that would vanish under single payer. You should not have to pay out-of-pocket for your healthcare at all, particularly while billionaires are a thing; you should not have to choose between saving money on premiums while

So what’s the richest person you will vote for?

 Trump is by all means allowed to pardon whoever the fuck he wants to for political reasons. Just ignore it and let’s not give Trump the satisfaction of turning some pissant like Dinesh D’souza into a wedge issue.

She gonna stay fired, but it’s water under the bridge.

Roseanne genuinely apologized. Water under the bridge.

Please direct your blame your at Roseanne. It was her racism, that cost all of them their jobs.

Roseanne genuinely apologized. At what point can we just say this is water under the bridge?

What Roseanne said was racist. But she also apologized to Valerie Jarrett. ABC shouldn’t have invested in a mentally ill person with a drug problem. But saying stupid racist sh*t isn’t completely unforgivable, at some point we are going to have to find a way to live together.

Did anyone figure out how tall that little fucker was?

I was being facetious. Literally everywhere has public restrooms. I have pissed in many a john without paying. No one has ever hassled me.

False, Starbucks invented public restrooms in 2018. Before this year public Restrooms didn’t exist. No one was ever allowed to use a john without paying first

How tall is your average garden gnome?