“Hot and thirsty”
“Hot and thirsty”
If West Hollywood gave him a key to the city, would he assume that made him gay?
“I’m only doing this so I don’t get fined”- The true meaning of standing for the ational anthem.
Realistically... no. Kids are dying while you sit around and yell about something that has a 0% chance of happening in our lifetimes.
People agree to terms before they a buy the house. It isn’t immoral/unethical to foreclose on people who agreed to have their house foreclosed on if they don’t repay the loan.
The constitution clearly prevents blanket restrictions.
You really got ‘em good this time Isha. They are definitely going to become responsible journalists there now.
Nope, After Columbine students that wear trench coats are definitely trying to make a statement that they are sympathetic to school shooters. I don’t think that banning trench coats is going to solve anything, but let’s not ignore the symbolism.
The constitution gets in the way.
That’s part of the problem. Republicans don’t want guns in the hands of the mentally ill, terrorists, or domestic abusers either. Everybody is too busy yelling at each other to think of well crafted legislation to do this. Nuance has been thrown out the door.
Students who wear trench coats have been viewed suspiciously since Columbine.
So what does gun control that would have prevented the Santa Fe killings look like?
Don’t even bother just Queeeet.
we just make the same arguments over and over again. They changed no ones minds the last time. They will change zero people’s minds this time. Time to try something new. I don’t know what that is, but internet outrage is a huge waste of time.
That’s called alcoholism.
Why don’t they just quit? Do they value “authenticity” over money? Mind you I am making a dismissive wanking motion when I use the word “Authenticity”
Ohhhhhh, Another Racist history.
primera enmienda, hijo de puta madre
I don’t know what’s holding these people from quitting. You can make $11 anywhere. The only reason I can see why they stay is they secretly like it.
45 seconds of footage completely removed from context isn’t enough to pass judgement either way. The author is begging readers to jump to conclusions. It’s lazy and irresponsible journalism.