
I don’t want Hillary in 2020 nor do I want Bernie.

The cynicism of collusion week is crushing my soul.

This seems like a fairly arbitrary line you are drawing.

Who is mourning Barbara Bush besides her family?

Here’s the full truth. If they were to give out Universal basic income I would take my advanced degree and retire... at the ripe old age of 34. Fuck work. Gimme dat free money.

It’s Putin master plan: Turn everyone in America into an Asshole and watch the country collapse. We are playing right into it.

So if they get quiet job outside the public view its ok for them to be employed?

1.) No

How do they return to work? Is it just because they are public figure that is insulting to the victims?

what is an appropriate time span?

It’s time to go quietly into the night and not insult everyone they’ve victimized.

It was an opinion question

They get rehabilitated through jail, counseling, public service, whatever... then they don’t receive public accolades for not being a sexual predator, but in the case of Louis C.K., Matt Lauer, and Mario Batali they are near the top of the fields. they have other skills, which do merit public accolades.

That’s certainly pessimistic. There aren’t many criminals that can’t be rehabilitated, why are these people different?

Someone has to wage an Anti-Asshole crusade.

-So she is just starting twitter feuds with the people who mourn for Barbara Bush? Many of whom are not racist.

Can these people be rehabilitated?

I am not defending Barbara Bush. I just hold the left-wing to a higher standard. Glorifying assholes like Randa Jarrar means we are sinking to Trump’s level.

She’s dead, starting fights with twitter feuds with dead people is a waste of time, bruh

You don’t have to be an asshole to tell the truth.