
who said otherwise?

Because you are letting your bitterness turn yourself into a vile person. The circle of assholes has to end somewhere. She is dead, let it go.

It was too late for Barbara Bush, She was dead. It was a pointless attack on people that were mourning her. If it’s the democratic party position to attack everyone with a racist grandma then I’m out. I will go write in Hillary Clinton.

There is a difference between staying silent and being an asshole. Randa Jarrar: Asshole

Generally people aren’t punished for be an asshole. That behavior shouldn’t lauded either.

You can tell the truth and still be an asshole.

Venture Capital already does an excellent job of funding startups. Potentials rivals for Walmart and Amazon can’t get funding because they don’t have a competitive business model.

State laws to increase prices are a terrible idea.

They got feet don’t they? Get steppin. I would rather walk barefoot into the next city than work at Walmart. They aren’t victims because they choose to live in the middle of nowhere.

It’s not, Bernie Sanders is equally bad at math as Republicans.

Then don’t live in small town America. Pick up and move to a city.

Economic populism is just code for unfulfillable promises. “I promise everyone will make 1 million dollars doing whatever they please”. It’s just not realistic.

Whoa! That’s a lot of name-dropping.

There would be even more dead innocent Iraqi’s if Saddam Hussein was still in charge.

They use their additional capital to fund the services they offer which help people.

They loan it out which enables people to buy homes/Cars/businesses/ etc they wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford.

Wages are not profit sharing- They have to paid whether the company makes money or not.

So if we raise the minimum wage to get people off food stamps. How does this benefit the poors? They get roughly the same amount of money either way.

Do Ladies love KK...obach?

Now you are prejudicial.