
Yes, racist in the sense thateven mentioning race is racist.

Are you really that ignorant?

racist much?

For at least the next 10 years this is a zero sum game. The amount of doctors in the world for the next 10 years is pretty much a fixed number. Either those doctors set up shop in urban, suburban, or rural settings. But when they do it will be at the expense of the others. I am not advocating for one over the others.

He is talking about immigrant doctors. Immigrants are terrorized in Trump country.

rural americans already have access to healthcare. They just have to drive.

So you think insults are how adults talk?

Given the context of Ellisons’ comments you are saying the allocation of OBGYN’s is immoral. Even though the OBGYN’s themselves dictate how their resources are allocated. So would assume the solution you are proposing is tell them where to live and how to do their jobs.

there is nothing wrong with living in a city vs living in rural areas. Why do you want to punish city folks? You want special handouts for selected communities. It is unfair towards city dwellers. Why not subsidize their doctors education as well?

Communities incentivizing doctors to come work in there area is the way to go. The simplest way would be to just pony up a a fat check, but free housing or whatever.

I don’t think distance from the doctor is part of equal access to healthcare.

So you think OBGYN’s should be forciblely relocated to rural areas? Depriving doctors of their freedom to choose isn’t exactly moral.

better schools, less heroin, less bigotry. But sure, rural life has appeal to some.  

I am all for increasing and simplifying immigration.

It’s not going too far, it just rearranges the problem. More doctors in rural america means less doctors in urban america. No incentives for living anywhere. Let the doctors decide where they want to live.

Using your definition people have live next door to hospitals still have unequal access to healthcare compared to people that 2 doors down. You are drawing an arbitrary line here.

There are more qualifications to being a doctor than just being a human. Obviously not everyone can be a doctor. I don’t want some one with Parkinsons doing surgery on me even though they are human.

There is no way to keep all doctors equidistant from everyone at all times. Doctors are free to move, Patients are free to move.

A single-payer is going to complicate the tax code, there is no way around it.

How many more people could a doctor treat if they set up shop in populated urban areas than if they opened up an office in a rural community?