Everyone has the same access to the same doctors. Drive your ass into town and get in the back in the back of the line.
Everyone has the same access to the same doctors. Drive your ass into town and get in the back in the back of the line.
Since when is life easy?
Urban areas have more doctors than rural areas, which is still not enough to satisfy the healthcare in those areas.
It’s not giving a crap about all over their citizens. Just the rural ones. Why should they be encouraging doctors to work in rural america when there are just as many if not more untreated urban residents.
It is meant in the context of “nobody is hoarding access to healthcare”
Nobody is hoarding access to doctors.
I am talking more about Marxism that falls in line with Khmer Rouge. Where they forced everybody out of the city into the fields in hopes of creating an “Agrarian Utopia”. I hear “Agragrian Utopia” when we talk about forcing doctors to live in rural Missouri against their will.
It’s ok, we are living in Trump’s America, we don’t actually need to pay for things. We can cut everyone’s taxes to zero, and give out an infinite amount of welfare.
How would subsidizing doctors who go work in rural america be fair to urban citizens? Aren’t Urbanites in need of more doctors as well?
Nobody’s hoarding anything. The doctors can choose where they want to live.
There is no such thing as free med school. You don’t have to make the students pay, but somebody has to pick up the tab for the electricity they use, for the teachers salaries, for the computers, for the lab coats, for the rent on the buldings they use. None of that stuff is free. So who is paying for that stuff?
The point is there aren’t unlimited resources on the planet. And how much are you willing to devote to a person unwilling to help themselves?
I am assuming that the child’s welfare is a consideration in the parents decision on where choose to live.
The cavemen didn’t have rich people to bail them out when their food sources migrated, they just up and left. Walked right on out of there till they found what they were looking for.
I would guess that the 67 counties aren’t just missing OB/GYN. I would guess that their hospital selection is fairly limited as well, mostly because they can’t build an economical hospital in rural america. They just can’t find the resources to devote to a hospital with all the bell and whistles that isn’t going to be…
Yes, absolutely they made a choice to live there. They are in no way bound to the land. They can pick up and move at any time.
My taxes were absolute clusterf*ck this year. And yet I would still rather do them myself.
I would settle for just not having to pay for anyone elses.
Parents are perfectly capable of making that decision. They can choose to live where the CoL is low or they choose to live where they have doctors readily available, but they can’t choose both.