That’s exactly what they do for 99% of Americans. They don’t pour over every single return. Especially your standard issue 1040-ez filed through turbo tax. They do in fact just cut the check.
That’s exactly what they do for 99% of Americans. They don’t pour over every single return. Especially your standard issue 1040-ez filed through turbo tax. They do in fact just cut the check.
You are talking about force-marching doctors out into the fields against their will. Marxists forced-relocations is huge source of human suffering in the 20th century. Far more suffering than having to drive 2 hours to see an OB.
Doctors obviously have plenty of patients in cities. The problem is there just aren’t enough doctors to go around.
It doesn’t take rocket scientist for most people to fill out their taxes. It will cost money for the government to read your papers and tell you how much you owe. Libby can already pay someone do her taxes. Why do I need to pay someone, when I am perfectly capable of doing them myself? We aren’t all idiots who can’t…
Why on God’s green earth would an immigrant doctor want to move to Trump country? They aren’t exactly hospitable folks.
what percentage of your premium do you think ends up as profit for the insurance company?
People live in cities for a variety of reasons, not just money. They enjoy shorter commutes, shit to do on weekends, and restaurants besides Cracker Barrel.
That’s what rural life is. They don’t have things there. If they did, it wouldn’t be rural. Are you prepared to dictate to doctors where they live?
At this point, everyone who wants healthcare can get it.
If people can’t afford the deductible they should purchase lower deductible insurance.
Politics is shallow and vapid. There is about as much depth in Keith Ellison as there is in your average episode of Keeping of with the Kardashians.
He will readily admit he isn’t journalist, and merely an entertainer. I think entertainers code of professional ethics is a lot less stringent than journalists.
Blame is a pointless waste of time. Brain power is better used toward towards crafting solutions.
-Besides our generally unhealthy lifestyle. Our expensive healthcare also subsidizes R&D for the rest of the world.
They make money on the volume of customers, they don’t make that much money per person. The amount you pay in premiums that is insurance company profit is minimal.
The US is far and away the fattest.
What if I told you that weren’t obligated to put your money in a bank that made speculative trades? You can use power as a consumer.
Did you just google them? come on, I could have done that.
There is nothing wrong with being a veteran or a prosecutor.
Being CEO gives them experience in effectively managing limited resources. The US’s government’s doesn’t have unlimited resources, at no point can they wave a magic wand and make everyone rich. I am not saying CEOs are the ones capable of doing it but they do have experience in making the most of what they are have.