
CEO’s manage a large bureaucracies, they develop an execute their visions for the future, and they manage capital. All responsibilities of the President.

I will sitting 2020 out if we nominate a populist. HELL, I will write in Hillary as a protest vote if Bernie is the 2020 nominee. I just want a sane, pragmatic, realist. Not somebody who promises everything to everyone.

I would vote for any of those people.

Mark zuckerberg just made Congress because they don’t know shit about shit. Somehow I don’t electing a mechanic is going to fix that. It’s hard to tell when you only ask softball questions.

And those places also lack the huge quantities of fat old people who consistenty made poor life choices. They chose cigarettes and big Macs over exercise and proper nutrition now we have to have to foot the bill.

And those places also lack the huge quantities of fat old people who consistenty made poor life choices. They chose cigarettes and big Macs over exercise and proper nutrition now we have to have to foot the bill.

80% of premiums are mandated to be spent on your medical expenses. It goes to doctor and hospitals and pharmacies. Going from private insurers to a government run single payer does nothing to bring down those costs. The overhead of a government run single payer isn’t going to materially lower than private insurers.

-Artificial scarcity? People die everyday on the the transplant waiting list because of an actual legitimate scarcity of healthcare.

1.) They can’t deny coverage because of any reason so that’s a moot point

Insurance companies provide a very valuable service. You know exactly the maximum financial liability you can incur. Without insurance you could very well incur an 100,000 bill and have no recourse but to declare bankruptcy. Insurance provide a service in they take a great deal of financial risk off the table for

So we are using a magic asterisk. You are saying we are going to pay people more for providing the same level of value and simultaneously cost are going to go down? Did you graduate the Paul Ryan School of Math? 

Of course pharmaceutical companies care about innovation. That’s how they make the big bucks. The massive profit is their incentive to take wild and costly riskly to invent new life saving treatments.

Yep, just as I expected something about as well thought out as your average “Repeal and Replace” zombie.

You just contradicted yourself.

And what’s preventing them from stopping drug price gouging in our current private insurance system?

It’s not as simple as you think. For starters

You are pulling that out of context. we subsidize their R&D. Our population is older, fatter, and generally less healthy than the rest of the industrialized world.

I am a registered democrat thank you very much. It just seems like “Medicare for All” is just a vapid slogan like “Repeal and Replace”.

Insurers aren’t the ones driving up the cost of healthcare. Their profit margins are between 3-6%. You could argue that eliminating Insurance companies profits your decrease health insurance costs 3-6%. But those profit margins are also the incentive to keep their overheads low. Either way its not going to make that

With Obamacare, Everyone who wants health insurance can get it. The primary reason people forego it now is they think they can’t afford it. If the government is paying the same doctors/hospitals/pharmaceutical companies the same amount of money there are no savings. Moving from private insurers to a single payer would