
Can we start automating the C-suite yet?

I played the demo! My thoughts:

Square’s actually doing quite well atm. Game sales are down but everything else is up and tbh what games have they released since the FF7 remake made ALL of the money? Outriders? Of course game sales are down, anything people are interested in is in development, they’ve got nothing to sell atm.

Their NFT push is a

Shit, you have one of those too? So much for my own millionaire fantasy 

You get a star just for referencing The Three Doctors.

Let me know when you’re done with those and I’ll make bank on these LaserDiscs

Yeah, I’m not saying that the blockchain is required for digital ownership. I’m saying that the marketing pitch for digital ownership revolves around your ability to resell digital content. That’s why the article’s example of skins was a bad one. Most games don’t let you resell skins. It’s not a technical limitation,

Hey I bought that gif as an nft so I’m gonna have to politely ask you to delete this.  If you refuse I’ll be forced to reexamine my financial choices.

NFT’s need to get in line! I’m still waiting to cash in on those Betamax tapes, and 8-Tracks I’ve been stockpiling 

Fortnite could easily allow you to resell the skins you buy if they wanted to. It would be extremely simple, but extremely pointless as well because it doesnt make them money. And you dont have to use blockchain to do it either. Fuck, Diablo had a marketplace over a decade ago that you could sell weapons at

YUP. Look, I’ll be the first person to say that Square Enix’s plans to get into NFT are dumb as shit and that their western studios were probably setting themselves up for failure but being given (or choosing to work on) games with such high development costs, but so many people seem to be missing the point that

1999: “Well, the beanie baby market just collapsed, but at least I’ve got a garage full of stuffed animals I can give to a homeless shelter.”

Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!

I usually hate portmanteaus, but “Squenix” needs to be canon.

To be fair, if you look at the financials for the studios they’re selling, they are barely keeping their heads above water. Eidos Montreal had revenue of nearly $100m in FY 22 but their net profit after expenses was around $650k. Crystal Dynamics fared slightly better, but cost about as much to run and their profit

As someone who knows exactly nothing about Vanguard and hasn’t played CoD since like the first Black Ops...I’m sorry, what’s in the game???

It took me a second to realize that the “BR” in your comment meant “Battle Royale” and not “Battle Rifle” from Halo 2

Imagine how long the list will be by the time most of us can buy one.

This is what throwing away money looks like.

I’ve always maintained that SE is the most successful incompetent publisher around.