
One of my favorite memories playing Halo was when the online multiplayer put my friend on the opposite team. We still managed to play cooperatively by getting in the same worthog. I was running over his teammates, while he was gunning down mine with the turret. We didn’t really get shot at much because nobody knew

I was gonna say the same thing, haha. I was like “Wow, good trigger discipline. You don’t see that very often in crazy civilians.”

You’d think a lawyer would know not to (a) point a gun at people and (b) put her finger on the goddamn trigger. Those are two super major fucking gun-safety rules Ms. McCloskey broke right there.

Not only is that woman holding that gun entirely wrong but she has her finger on the fucking trigger the whole time! Even her dipshit husband seems to know better than that. She should be arrested for reckless endangerment. 

Power boost is what they are calling the hybrid engine.

Maybe I’m cynical, but I have trouble believing that we, as a society, can function without any sort of policing whatsoever. If the ultimate answer is that caring about serving your community effectively and justly means resigning from serving as a police officer, doesn’t that just mean that the only police officers

Starred for EXCELLENT doggo. 

Nor a single comment about how cute my dogs are. They’re cute goddamn it. 

Sportwagen is what I use to haul the dogs in the lede image around normally! It handled 150 pounds of pit bull quite well. 

As a person that always seems to have puppies around (I work in animal rescue), the biggest thing you want is the cheapest POS you can find that is reliable. So you don’t get pissed when the pup does puppy things (like this morning the current pup produced what looked like an entire plate of actively moving spaghetti

I legally couldn’t write that so thank you. 

I was going to suggest Focus RS or FiST too, but they are not the most comfortable things on crap roads. 

You’re an ICU nurse? Today, the question isn’t what car you should buy, it’s what car we should buy for you.

Ha! I am in the market for a GTI, but even if the world ended I bet our VW dealer would still hold out

I work at a Chevy/VW dealer and a bunch of us here are buying VWs. The deal is too good.  Zero percent 6 years and 6 months deferred.

Wrangler. The wife has an easier commute so she DD’s it. I’ve done manuals in slow traffic for years but they are only good if you can keep it in 2nd gear or higher.

Here is the one that shall forever be grayed.....


Lard t’underin’ Jasus.

It amazes me how so many transit vehicle makers can’t seem to build good vehicles.