
They will text you a thumbs up, and then promptly pull you over for using a cell phone while driving when you check to see what it is.

Right? Even if there was a valid criticism (there isn't, really), this is so confrontational it comes across as personal and petty. I've defended some of these hot takes from this author, but this is some of the worst shit I've seen here

I’ve played the back up game too, was going for a Christmas tree up a forest service road, went from plowed to two track in 3' of snow. I realized I couldn’t turn around without getting stuck. Drove in reverse for at least 1/2 mile. Not fun.

I think you underestimate how much slack PornHub can pick up.

As a Moderator and someone who’s devoted WAY too much time to oppo I am incredibly saddened. I’ve made some wonderful lifelong virtual and real life friends from oppo. Its taught me alot from forcing me to look into technical subjects, to forcing me to re-examine my believes in people. I’ve learned to be more

Every Opponaut knows not to click, but to hover a muncheepoozle link.

My number one rule here has become, “Never click a monkeepuzzle link”

I think you meant Matt Hardigee.

I hate to say it, but honestly? Oppo in particular is a huge liability for G/O. To my knowledge, it is the largest unprofessional forum on the Kinja platform. Lots of photos get used there without proper credit. And while I haven’t heard of any copyright infringement suits, that still represents a massive liability

I blame Roy Wort.

I’ve been here since the olden days of oppo and Jalopnik, and will miss it dearly. I’ll print my gold star and membership card and display them with pride.

just a note, all your base are belong to us. thanks, have a great day,you are headed for a destruction, make your time.

I’ve never got that myself. You pay maximum possible price for a first batch console, that may be full of first batch bugs and faults. (Looking at you, X360s!) And, on top of that, you have literally the smallest library available to you on that system at launch. You’ll get what? Maybe one or two gems, and the rest

You could also not act like a diaper-shitting big baby and pick it up whenever down the road, like an adult with a life and a sense of priorities. In the meantime you could always read a book. You know, a book.

It really do be like that, sometimes.

Should have kicked Karen off the flight.