
If the zombie apocolypse DID happen wouldn't it suck if they were not killed by a headshot? Because popular entertainment has drilled it into us that that is the way you take them out...

They won't - your beloved 1980's film is out there and always will be. Whether or not this potential reboot is any good or bad has no bearing on the quality of the original.

Why didn't they build the facility with a water reclamation and recycle ability?

So where's the petition so we can lobby to have them renamed officially to sea serpents?

They finally got it right.

This one, in a good way, because of Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker.

I was disappointed they killed off the rednecks so quickly.

If it was me, my sensible decision would have been to leave Daryl with the weapons and instructions to come looking for me if I don't come out again in an hour.

Here's a pic of an actual Lucas check:

If by "awesomeness" you mean "shit written by a two-year old suffering from ADHD and shot by a hyperactive chimp".

Two true statements:

Thread over, man. Thread over!

Welcome, ladies and gentlefolk to the Walking Dead drinking/gambling game! Below are the official calculated Vegas odds on who will survive the season finale. Taking all bets in the corner. One shot for every scene where someone expected to doesn't die. Two for when they do!

GAH.. beat me to it.. It's people.. BQQ is people!
I feel that Terminus is just not eh place to settle. Hopefully the session finally has Terra(unfortunately because she's a great redemption character at the moment) killed and set on the barbie and the rest of the group makes it to Terminus and they try to take Rick

Well, I just don't trust Tasha Yar at the moment. ...

Nice to see Denise Crosby getting some work. After Star Trek the last I saw her was in Deep Impact. I really hope she isn't a cannibal but with this show almost anything can happen.

That stag won hard.

I am humbled by Mark for writing this article about my "alien look." Thank you. I started doing this a few months ago, I'm self taught and it is just a fun way of entertaining myself and the people around me. To the people who do not enjoy it; sorry about that. To the people who do; thank you for the kind words & if

I'm pretty sure it's illegal to not show outdated videos in a science classroom.