
Or format your computer?

The trailer has Raptors in motorcycle gang, are you going to tell me this has no basis in science?

Nobody uses chrome OS. So they still might be right. Desktop is still owned by Microsoft. 4% mac and 1.5 Linux everything else is a form if windows. Chrome is still a rounding error.

I’m with you Kamai. The design of this movie was incredible sets, cars the costumes. I liked the casting. Charlie was amazing. The action sequences were killer.

I think everyone would like to see that happen but many people would argue with your priorities. Before we spread our way of life to other planets and solar systems we should probably make that way of life much less volatile and trip cost much less.

Two hawkeye also...

To make up for this I heard they plan to make a playset with Natasha and her graduation ceremony. Because offensive misogyny.

All the stars today sir.

For 170k I would my first thought is yes I would do it. Then Googled the plane:

You know the law: 3 m0vies enter, two movies get write up.

You missed the very best example from Dark mirror, Jon Hamm’s character duplicates the consciousness of his clients to act as their own personal assistants. When they refuse to do so they perceive days, moths or years in a virtual in imprisonment. Gave me chills.

Flame trooper?? Really? So some of the storm troopers are Black and this one is gay? This is way to progressive even if it's set in the future in land far far away. Where is the continuity? I like my like my bad guys to be straight white cyborgs in black costumes voiced by James Earl Jones.

So it my birthday, it's a Saturday and we had an amazing ATM type service in Ontario at the mall for tag renewal. It was awesome no long lines, no DVM, no attendant that hates you and their life choices - none of the Bullshit. So I decided to update my tags. No dice the system was hacked and I would have to wait

Thems some crazy-ass birds. This one in particular is a liar!

Rock on Chicago, grimace was an a-hole in the first place. ~ Wesley Willis you will be missed...

I think they should go batshit crazy and bring in krang.

Yeah but he's still far less interesting and compelling then Batman or Iron man. He's not a billionaire playboy, he has zero charisma no real attitude and even his weapon is cheesy.

3,500 years old and we don't know the owner? Sure there isn't a tag inside the bone armor that says "steve"?

Almost ready for the glass enclosed shelves at 7-11.

Seem life evolves in a similar way. Things progress at a snails pace until there is a drastic shift in environment brought on by necessity. For planes that was world war, for nature that was extinction events.