
How about this to tickle your curiosity? I felt that the way they used Sif in episode 15 was everything the fans wanted for the show from the time it was first released (in terms of making use of good characters that couldn't carry movies on their own). If you liked Sif in the movies, why not just watch that episode

This is one badass motherfuckin' antelope.

Things like this send a shiver down my spine. To paraphrase, this is the universe regarding itself, and being overwhelmed by what it learns. Incredibly beautiful. moments

People that say dogs can't experience joy has obviously not given my dog belly rubs.

Does California have a conceal/carry law for these? You just want to be prepared.

Like when Batman, Mystique, Hawkeye, Lois Lane, and Rocket Raccoon tried to con people?

Feel free to start speculating about what an "XXL Human Centipede" would look like.

I have to take a Leakey soooo bad, I can taste it.

Hmmm, so, all that time ago, giraffes & elephants had already arrived at their current form?

I get this a lot when it comes to names of shows... like I couldn't watch Prison Break because I couldn't understand why they would name a show Prison Break when they break out of prison in episode three... that said:

The real pressing question is,why isn't the next James Bond being filmed in one of these?

Monty Python's Holy Grail

1992 - It's certainly the one I quote the most, at least - 'Thank you generous hosts!' seem to pop up regularly. If we're counting TV shows, I'd probably go with Frisky Dingo.

More countries need to use the British model of appraising finds, giving museums first dibs on buying the pieces, and then allowing the finder to auction them if no museums raise enough funds. Helps keep stuff off the black market, rewards the finders, increases public collections. It isn't foolproof(a while back an


I don't think there was much to this, they were just trying to explain that there were more temporal rifts thus it was possible to travel back and forth still.

No. No, it won't be. First of all because that guy's plans are insane, second of all because once a major city is built up, the skyline doesn't tend to change much.

Now playing

In honor of this amazing flamingo, may I give to you the best thing about flamingos I have ever seen. May you have all the shrimp you can eat in flamingo heaven, Greater.

This guy finds out that he's a wizard, goes to school for the next 6 books.

Psylocke. With lots of walking away scenes. Maybe just walking away scenes...