
The store is for those "snowflakes" though, not for an older buyer its the context that's wrong. Where do you draw the line then can they sell a meth lab play set at toy r us? How about a bath tub with fake blood and bobbing action dead body figure? Hooker with simulated herpes?

Come on doing something dumb for a year and getting away with it means its okay? Try to explain to me how a show about Meth makes sense showcase in a store geared for kids under 10.

Oh the outrage kids that don't get a chance to role play a meth sale! I really liked the show but glad my kids can't buy the action figure at toys r us sorry that would be stupid.

All the things you said. This looks really good. I kinda think the pinnichio music is Disney subtile way of rubbing it in how awesome they are an for once I couldn't agree more. Take my money release this early please!

Our own way of life because has its inherent faults who are we to trash it.

If that's the all the world is dying puppies then sure. But your not accounting for all of the good stuff we get from existing also. The next time you feel inspired, taste something fantastic, have a laugh so hard your tear up, orgasim, see something truly beautiful you can choose to think there is a purpose to it or

Nice story.

It was okay, totally agree borrowed heavily from other movies, the human characters did totally make strange choices and interacted poorly together. No real magic Mcguffin either. I think that was struggling to care about the AI or Antonios goals.

Definitely this guy!

This guy. Horse that mounts the world, more like mounts kitchen cutlery dies promptly

They should do a morlocks show. The effects could be walking dead or strain TV show level and practical effects and costumes in part. The drama and tension could be around being outcasts and about characters learning to use powers that might not seem at first glance to be hero qaulity.

Cap has to stand up to Thanos, bad enough you don't have the xmen, silver surfer, fantastic four and spidey in the infinity gauntlet show down. Can't wait for avengers and guardians to cross paths though.

I like Ryan Reynolds, hate the third wall bullshit.

You're legend Kip.

Going to go against the grain, it's a metal suit any real battle damage and you kill it's fragile cargo:

I found t-rex bones on top some raptor bones I will assume generally they are star crossed lovers.

George R.R. Martin better be writing more recipes this is making me hungry for dinner. :)

This effect and scene saved the character, the costume design was terrible. I agree with the Scott Pilgrim reference. When I first saw the look I was thinking Michael Cera in a Halloween costume. This and Ana Paquine as Rogue seemed off to me. She's a tall older bad-ass with a mohawk. Quicksilver is bigger and older

I would love to see a huge one of these with all the clades thyreophora, ornithischia, sauropoda etc. With time of divergence indicated in proper scale along with the divergence of mammals and reptiles and amphibians.

I wouldn't have lead with "Matrix trilogies" I would have lead with "from the makers of the matrix" there fixed it for you.