
I think if I was to write a script about any profession I would take the time to speak with someone in that trade. Maybe I don't have a hacker friend but I'm sure I could locate somebody with a computer science degree using google.

Kinda think it was a missed opportunity that we didn't get any of these perspectives in the movie. The collector just seemed strange and pompous without much description to him given.

Wow and nobody gets fired? Oh merica. I find strange I can agree on anything they said but still think Thor is male name and the boob armor is stupid. But thorina -no? And ya kinda agree pop eye had a tattoo does that make him a bad person what are saying here. Sure take away the pipe because we now know it leads to

More seriously the woodpecker is a good example of why. A beak is a piercing hunting weapon like sword. Human beings attack prey with a fork like weapon (teeth), which is only convenient because we eat to live not hunt to live.

Goose says why didn't you evolve "teeth" on your tongue? (yes I know technically not real teeth )

I thought the DC marvel mash-up might be interesting. Google proved to me this wasn't the case.

Ugh the hacker powerful enough to take down the Internet but needs a specific office space to resurrect it kills me too. Puns intended. Just block aid the city and unleash some chaos, panic and some tough choices. So boring and unbelievable.

I kinda feel it is just a bad walking dead knock off. Some of the same elements.

Has zombies as pets, uses a katana = badass super hero in my book

The only time Darts Maul was scary or intimidating!

Yes yes actually technically a dolphin. "Whale" isn't a scientific classification it's a common term which just means large cetecean. Guess what by that loose definition killer whales are whales in addition to being dolphins by way scientific classification.

I thought that was supposition by the humans. They didn’t really have a back story from the prawn's point of view.

No chafing its now demi god va jay jay. ;)

I dunno white guy dreadlocks, raves and ducati's could only make the second one that much better. ;)

I would totally pay money to see a sequel. The world building and the characters were interesting. I still have questions like why did they come and how did they get stuck here.

Now playing

The whole pork chops sandwiches plot was the best

I think it's partially really good casting. I kinda picture drax as a wrestler type. I think Bautista was just a really good choice.

Totally, we've only been looking for a short time. Our powers to observe are very limited + way not even fully grasp what we're looking at.

I had to take a quick break, felt nauseous too. They should just have a quick scene for effect here and there and film the rest sans blair witch cam.

If your curious why there were no stars on the moon landing like I was, the did the moon walk during a lunar day or while in sunlight. Just like on earth your eyes and camera equipment don't readily see stars during the "day". Its confusing because movies and TV represent stars being seen because it look nicer and