
Better wing speed. My issue is coconuts aren’t indigenous to my area ;)

Or $700 mp3 players in 2014.

How do these things reproduce? "Ah man did you see how hideous that guys/girl fish is. She/he looks like they would suck out my soul then bang my fish corpse." Hawt.

Okay packing my bags to take up residence in the tower in the lake. My plan is to form a vigilante group. Who's with me?

It's hilarious. And think the bigger danger is not reflecting on how our society is in danger from poor education, diet, automation and the dumming down of popular media.

Every cinematic version of the Punisher. Skull on shirt, ton of guns rides either a motorcycle or drives armored van with yet more guns wears only black.

I would buy a ticket right now, love Tarantino. Love how he embraces a genre, love the dialogue, quirkiness and soundtracks.

Extra star by way of reply. :)

Great points. I feel it so easy to blame a religion for that acts the people do in its name where acts have nothing to do with the tenants of the faith. Or often do directly in opposition to them.

The big J would say something like:

I thought Thor would be the challenge not the Cap. Plus hulk picks up Mjölnir with very little effort?

It's the food you wrap around other food to make it taste good - for sure!

I pretty sure it was both. The dodo was small in numbers had no natural predators and was easy to make buffalo wings out of. We almost killed off the American Bison it went from millions of tough hardy animals to a population of 1800 at one point.

The dialogue in the happening was cringe worthy not a terrible plot. Just had the charisma of bran flakes.

Controversial changes spark conversation and are a form of free advertising.

I Google'd *ahem* bleaching and got this!? Taint the results I was seeking.

Lol I thought this was a reference to:

Hair on a bird would mean one of 2 things convergent evolution or a common ancestor with both traits where the both traits provided a value over millions of years.

A platypus has a bill, venom and lays eggs so let's assume that beavers do. Or maybe whales or all mammals.