
For the record, didn't hate the movie or the actor but:

Took a couple thousand years to become mainstream, spurious what an OG

Sure but my point still stands though all Dino's having feathers is a huge leap. Your totally correct on it being an ornithopod, my mistake. If we're saying Dino's separated by millions of years of evolution have these differences it's self evident Dino's separated by longer evolutionary periods are likely to have

Not a super hero by any means but trying super hard to be the Brandon Lee as the crow.

I can tell by my sweet costume we're in a summer blockbuster guys! go turtlenecks!

Dragons for reals!

Skip* the murdering part -gah kinja

Sure lets murdering part though :)

Water bear!!

Ahhhh so cool if we go round up all the kids too young to vote and put them in a cage in a trailer park until they hit 18?

After 120 years of celibacy I'll even bang this cake, time for turtle style.

Physically sure we can. My point is we conscientiously decide in many cases not to. Which is clear distinction. We show can show compassion and we consider waayy into the future if we should do something or not and if its "right" to do something. Different people have different thought on what right is but most

We kind are, we lose our shit when a crow uses a stick as tool or a dolphin recognizes it's self in a mirror. Sure without tools were not an apex predator but with them what do you really fear? We might not corner the market on intelligence but we're in a league of our own.

I can eat sheep, cows, chickens, fish etc. I can't eat you or a dolphin, or elephant or chimp. We're the top species of a small group of animals which are clever, sentient and sapient.

I totally thought that was the actress too, amazing!

Hypocritically they use GMO's and aren’t allowed in whole foods. I'm not bent out of shape over the tag line though. Olestra gives you anal leakage but has less calories, maybe we need more natural ingredients.

These guys from "Very bad things". Vegas road trip? Sounds fun.

Same could be said for microbial life no hard evidence, so there for theory. We my have more circumstantial evidence of UFO's. But really why not investigate both.

For sure when sat down and gave the old ball peekaboo in that bad boy. Gross.

Wha this movie was awesome. Your like one of those people who don't like cheese or bacon.