Silver is apparently sold out already. Still was able to jump on the grey one though.
Silver is apparently sold out already. Still was able to jump on the grey one though.
Silver is apparently sold out already. Still was able to jump on the grey one though.
Silver is apparently sold out already. Still was able to jump on the grey one though.
Wow, I didn’t realize any of that about Moolah. Yeah it’s hard to believe they’d honor someone like that with that kind of info out there.
So with that, we may as well forget that Cleveland State even exists anymore, right?
Jeff Fisher was just fine when he had Mike Heimerdinger (RIP) as his offensive coordinator. That was an OC that didn’t let Fisher resort to his conservative/vanilla tendencies and built offenses that took good advantage of Steve McNair’s (let the guy run and pass and hand the ball off to Eddie George and be a killer…
“Revenge is a dish best served cold.”
So there are at least 330 Ohio based drivers you would be sharing the road with who would willingly put one of these plates on the back of their cars? That’s Scary AF.
I’d agree on not relying on one ecosystem. Granted I do have a MacBook, iPhone, and an iPad, but I only switched over to the iPhone a few months ago after being a longtime Android user. I still use Google Photos for my photos, Spotify for my music, Google Calendar, Kindle for my books, etc. Having things set up that…
If Tennessee can beat Ohio by time this is said and done, that would be a minor accomplishment in an of itself.
Got this the last time it was on sale for $6, and it’s turned out to be a real bargain for me. I’ve had a lot of people at the pool asking me where I got it, and I even took it kayaking with me this past weekend. That was $6 of the best dollars I’ve spent in a while.
Got this the last time it was on sale for $6, and it’s turned out to be a real bargain for me. I’ve had a lot of…
Context does matter, and the entire premise of the article is voting for conservative economic policies makes you a racist. I’m not sure there’s a lot of context that’s needed for, “A vote for the Republican party is a pro-racist vote.”
I’m glad to know that merely voting Republican and believing in capitalism makes someone a racist. Very enlightening.
Nah, Tennessee fans will make more of an effort to drive the 3-4 hours down to Atlanta than Georgia Tech fans will taking the MARTA to Falcons Stadium.
That’s probably going to help the prestige of the PGA Championship too. Being the last major of the year always seem to help cement its status as the least important of the four majors. Now that it’s second in the calendar and be right in between the Masters and the U.S. Open, it’ll probably help make it feel just…
I don’t know if that’s going to stop it. Drivers die often in NASCAR and Indy Car, and people are still watching.
I’ve heard more and more people complaining about wearing a band t-shirt to a show, and that’s just BS. You may as well ask sports fans not to wear their favorite team’s jersey to a game either.
I guess Coca-Cola decided they weren’t making America fat enough?
I guess Coca-Cola decided they weren’t making America fat enough?
Well that’s a good way of making sure it stays parked there.
That’s more like a Lose-Win. At the very least, he doesn’t have to travel.
I can’t believe a man who gives presents to all the good little boys and girls at Christmas time could ever be viewed in such a negative light.
I still think interleague play has turned out to be a mistake. The only time it really means anything is Yankees-Mets, Cubs-White Sox, etc., and even then, it’s become boring.