Soda Popinski

Nor should it ...

Someone needs to teach both Roberson and the waiter the difference between “your” and “you’re”.

Yeah stuff like what CNN did in outing and threatening the Redditor is what makes Trump’s childish Twitter habits pretty effective with his base. If you have that kind of pettiness in responding to Trump, his base is just going to keep eating up the #FakeNews tweets and the like.

That thing could be said for a whole host of things that are getting changed in society today.

You don’t have to agree with him. This guy’s lucky he still has his job.

They are good at insults.

There was this fight . . .

Doesn’t look like there’s much objecting of this to me!

Someone obviously put creatures into Shep’s body to control his mind if he thinks this is only the second best Star Trek movie . . .

Someone obviously put creatures into Shep’s body to control his mind if he thinks this is only the second best Star

Fisher never wanted Young, so I’m pretty much tempted to believe a lot of what VY’s saying. Fisher wanted Matt Leinart, but Bud Adams living in Houston stuck him with Young. (All the while, Jay Cutler was playing a couple of miles down the road at Vanderbilt, which just goes to show how well the Titans were run

So in Appalachian Mountain Wrestling, who gets booed more between LaVar Ball and the “Progressive Liberal”?

You realize Rush Limbaugh would have written pretty much the same article from the conservative point of view, right?

Amen to that!

I’ll give you a ride. It’s good karma for me, since I’ll be needing one myself in a few years once Vladimir Guerrero, Jr. wins his first MVP award.

I’m a Preds fan just hoping tonight’s game doesn’t get the Jim Ross treatment.

+1 Pre-Shot Waggle

Yeah I remember getting pulled over for my headlights being off after having a couple of beers, and they pulled that backwards alphabet stuff on me. I managed to get through it, but the first thought I had was that’d would be tricky to get through even if I was 100% sober and under that kind of pressure to get it

I’m sure Deadspin would love it if they threw Corker and Alexander on the ice.

This shit got out of the grays?

Meh, most of us knew that goal was counting regardless and that coach’s challenge was a long shot. Maybe we’re so knowledgeable that we don’t boo goals that we know probably should count.