Soda Popinski

I’m unfortunately hopelessly addicted to Splatoon (guilty pleasure for sure), and the sequel is supposed to be coming out soon. That’s why I was willing to fork over the money.

I’m unfortunately hopelessly addicted to Splatoon (guilty pleasure for sure), and the sequel is supposed to be

Thanks for the heads up!

Thanks for the heads up!

Sharpe and Tretola ought to be sued for spending draft night at a garbage bar like Tin Roof anyway.

Yeah I bet! Preds fan hoping he doesn’t have too many chances at awkward pics like that at Nashville’s airport during the Western Conference Finals.

What else is his lawyer going to say, especially to the media? Every legal expert worth their salt and not being paid by Aaron Hernandez has said there was virtually no chance he would win on his appeals and that his conviction in the Odin Lloyd murder was ironclad. Hernandez probably realized that for himself.

Yeah no kidding. Honestly his reply to Garrett’s question makes no sense whatsoever.

Or Jayson Stark.

Yeah sooner or later John Skipper really ought to pay some price for sucking Roger Goodell’s dick for as long as he has.

ESPN really kept Rick Sutcliffe over Doug Glanville? Really?

Jessica Mendoza is probably the best Sunday Night Baseball analyst of my lifetime. Of course, the SNB analysts have mostly been people like Joe Morgan and Rick Sutcliffe, who stunk. Still, she’s really good at what she does. ESPN has a lot more dead weight they could let go of to keep her around.

It was the greatest turnout of Patriots since the Revolution!

Today’s obviously a great day to sell that Aaron Hernandez jersey you still have sitting around.

Aaron Hernandez’s excuse of a recent neck injury while taking a nasty fall at home is just as lame as Brady’s.

At least one guy with the Patriots is taking the air out of something besides footballs.

Hernandez failed society more than the other way around.

Whenever J.Crew Factory has a sale, I think the substance in the air is probably oxygen.

Whenever J.Crew Factory has a sale, I think the substance in the air is probably oxygen.

Then again, when you’re worth $29 billion, you can look, dress and act that way and not give a fuck what anyone else thinks about it, right?

Just wait until the Thursday night color rush Papa John’s uniforms come out.

Is it all right to have some sympathy for Eli in this? I mean, I’m an accountant in tax season, and if some slimy tax apparel person came to me wanting authentic tax season apparel, I’d be asking the nearest intern for some adding tape in the garbage can that could pass for “tax season used” too.

I’ve always kind of thought how ironic it was that a lot of rural red staters in the former Confederacy are super patriotic and wrap themselves in the American flag, when their ancestors 150 years ago would be ripping that same flag and calling anyone who did wave it a Yankee sympathizer.