Soda Popinski

In truth, it’s really not worth that much over its $60 price tag. I bought one on eBay, had fun with it for about a week, and sold it right back for what I paid for it when I got tired of having to deal with the extra long HDMI cable I got for it. Nintendo could have had a major hit product if they had done it right

I hope this asshole with the Berlin Wall of NES Classics has a United flight upcoming on his travel schedule.

Tim Tebow might want to take some lessons from Taz . . .

This Maryland guy obviously doesn’t know the NCAA well enough. As the late great Jerry Tarkanian once said, “The NCAA was so mad at Kentucky they gave Cleveland State two more years of probation.”

It was really annoying how CBS was trying to tie everyone’s story to some dead golfer. Rickie Fowler probably quit thinking about Arnold Palmer the moment he took to the first tee on Thursday.

JBL is actually married to Meredith Whitney who is a big time financial analyst who shows up pretty regularly on CNBC.

Phil’s definitely a lot more wholesome than Tiger, right?

It likely happened in Buffalo too, so it’s all good.

Breathe in that defense!

Those must have been some bad energon cubes he had for breakfast.

I wonder how many public parks, affordable housing units, school upgrades, public transportation upgrades, etc. could have been set up with the money used for Megatron’s butthole?

What about Salt Lake City? That’s a city that might want to show it can support an NFL team, isn’t too horribly far from Las Vegas, and has good modern MLS and Pac-12 stadiums available.

I’m glad Deadspin is focusing on Federer a lot so far this year. He ought to be universally recognized as one of the ten or so greatest athletes in any sport ever, and it doesn’t seem like he gets talked about in that way a lot. Glad you guys are appreciating his greatness while he’s still playing at a high level.

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Here’s Condescending Alex Trebek . . .

A well deserved shoutout needs to go to the Wikipedia editors for picking up tonight on the awesomeness of the 8'6" Devin “Porn” Booker hailing from Chiraq.

The real progression of importance . . .

I’m a Cubs fan, and I completely despised Jim Edmonds for most of his time with the Cardinals, probably the player I hated the most for St. Louis. All of his showboat catches, him hating on Wrigley Field, etc., he pretty much epitomized all the reasons why I despise the Cardinals.

What Draymond Green would be if he played hockey.

Wheel of Fortune is the show for people who aren’t quite up to snuff for Jeopardy.