
Thanks for that. Now I will never unset it. This video will for sure haunt my nightmares ad infinitum...

I mean, if all they need to do was dump more codes,wouldn’t it have been more simple to just take the game off the page temporarily while they sort all that stuff out? Either way, Nintendo is going to get bitched at for not having a game that was previously attainable but at least it wouldn’t look as bad as having a

I have to get past the character design myself... I like this new show at it's core, but man the designs turn me off to it.

OMG thanks for that. Where do you by one of those puppies?

Hmmm... I always assumed that Walmart checked systems upon returning. They sure did when I've had to return one before. It seems like as an associate, you'd have to assume tampering after it left the store, as some people have been dishonest in returning systems for as long as I remember. You'd think they'd at least

GameStop came down form their atrociously high $80 to a more palatable $50. If you're looking for a copy. I know when I picked mine up (along with the Metroid Prime Trilogy) they had several copies.

That just seems like waaay too much work just to play with a controller.

Pretty cool stuff! Though a couple things that I hope the MS addresses:


No need in being an asshat about it. Especially when I said I understood what you were talking about. I was just making conversation (my goodness, the internet sometimes...). My point, in case it flew over your head, is that looking at the *broader picture*, Microsoft wanted the uninformed that this *brand new* ip

Of course, there is a big difference between a game like Madden or CoD where you know for sure it's going to be multi platform and a game like Destiny, a brand new ip that's probably the biggest release of the year and potential console mover.

Well considering Microsoft and XBox are official sponsors of the NFL, the XBOX branding in the commercial makes sense, though I totally know what you are getting at!

They showed that whole Destiny ad during the Packers/Seahawks game last night. I think it was around halftime/3rd Qtr.

I don't really mind the cars at all, but at times they do seem a little off. Though honestly, I think it has more to do with the color of the vehicles than the vehicles themselves. If they carried the same pallette as the other karts, they would probably be less of an eyesore to some...

The Link death stare...

Perhaps it's some post recording tuning of Charles voice at work?

These are pretty great. C'mon Nintendo, make a series like this happen.

That makes me want to get back into TF. Though I stopped playing for months because I'm okay, but I still kinda suck at it in relation to everyone else. Ha.

This thread has gotten way too long for me to check if anyone said this, but I still find Phil's words kind of cagey, even. It not about what he's saying, it's about what he's not saying. Like I said in another thread this morning, unless I'm understanding wrong, he's still being pretty vague and broad in his language

Okay. I could actually see that headline working especially if they put [SPOILER] somewhere in the headline. Knowing my curious ass, I would have checked it anyways, but at least I would've felt the power was in my hands. Haha