Enjoy. These bad boys scurry about at blinding speed, making audible scampering noises. They’ll be up your leg before you can pivot around to run away.
Enjoy. These bad boys scurry about at blinding speed, making audible scampering noises. They’ll be up your leg before you can pivot around to run away.
If you aren't choosing your kart based on how awesome/ridiculous it looks, you are playing Mario Kart incorrectly.
Uwe Boll is licking his lips.
Zelda II is an awesome game and I consider it more of a black sheep than anywhere close to a bad game. What makes it bad? Its hardly unfair, tough but not unfair. Its not acurate (or interesting) to say it's like Dark Souls especially since the first Zelda holds that title better, but it earns it in its melee combat…
You are missing the point. Without the xbox fanbase, there wouldn't even be a Destiny.
Personal answer would be Megaman Legends 3! (they saved bayonetta, they could save ML3)
Pull Retro off of whatever nonsense they are making and put them to work on Metroid Prime 4 IMMEDIATELY
Mario galaxy 3 or sunshine 2
I think most people want a Majora's Mask remake because of all the teasing of it. Ruby and Sapphire got teased forever and we knew it was coming.