
I'm with ya... But it's my fault that I had to work late and that the words New Silent Hill enticed me to click on the article. Kotaku is just doing their job.

I kind of just chalked that up to the mystic forces of the island trying to keep Lara from stopping her ultimate goal... But yea I feel ya.

Oops, my bad... Didn't know there was bad blood. Lol. I just found it funny how much she hates Daisy.

Don't tell Patricia Hernandez that... :-P

At this point in time, the comment thread on this is so long, that I don't care to check, but instead of belly aching about the DLC, you could have *at least* mention that Nintendo is patching the game as at the same time the DLC will hit and you know, included the patch notes...

Pikmin 2 had substantial product placement I believe, but it fit within the context of game. It was still there nonetheless.

It's my first playthrough of the game, so I can't really be bothered with taking screenshots (I keep forgetting the feature is there when I come across something picture worthy), though I did get around to playing with it a little last night, and it's pretty cool. I anticipate a second playthrough, that's when I'll

I laughed so hard at this comment! I'm rec'ing it for truth (and for the best laugh I had all day).

Nuts no edit button, I didn't mean to say though twice in the same breath. SMH

Though seriously, I would totally be down for something like that as long as the script is strong unlike a lot of the reboots/remakes floating out there... Though personally, I'd prefer they kept it canon in some way.

I definitely agree with this... Strange enough, Zelda II actually ranks pretty high on my list of favorite Zelda games.

I think that's where they may make their bread and butter. Give you a free game, make you buy the DLC.

Though you may want to check the prices of the DLC of the free game when it's available. Sometimes the DLC will be on sale with a GwG discount.

Heck, if you can't catch a deal during the year, you can always try to cash in on Black Friday weekend. I can't remember when, as it was at least three years back, but I got 3 months of Gold for for 7 bucks. So I loaded up. Last holiday, I got yearly Gold for half off. So I loaded up (to the limits the store would

I was totally going to skip the grand finals of BB. In the end, I'm so glad I didn't because holy shit, if that wasn't one the greatest finals I've ever seen from EVO.

You know, sometimes I think Nintendo knows how awesome their back catalog is and that's why they charge full coin for each platform they release the same game for. And God forbid it's one of their big ones (like SMB3) where you know people will pay multiple times for them.

I wasn't one of those, as I always get each system at launch and upgrade my PC every few years as necessary. I have a serious problem. Lol

Agreed. Though honestly the One is functional enough for it to be awesome. I'm enjoying the heck out of mine... Though I wonder if some of the missing or incomplete stuff is due to the fact that they did a 180 on some of policies and implementations so they had to quickly recode a portion of its software? Perhaps it

That's how I've pretty much organized mine. My first page is organized by retail games I haven't completed yet or games (eShop, VC ect...) I go back to as well as Netflix/Hulu... The rest of the pages are sorted out by type (a page for Indie, a page VC, a page for retail ect...) I'm pretty OCD about my tiles. Lol

... I would also like folders on the Wii U UI. I've gone almost exclusively digital. Reorganizing tiles on that thing every time I download something is getting crazy.