
What if my avatar [*tries to figure out exactly what that Kinja nonsense is*] actually is a pixelated mess? 

There have been a couple of pieces like that, but I think its safe to say that we’re going to keep getting articles like this as well. Clickbait works, even though everyone hates it. And having some idiot bash out some crowd-riling idiocy like this, or lukewarm condemnation of a celebrity who said something uncouth

It’s a song about, as our Britt Hayes put it, “a woman being held hostage by some guy who may or may not have drugged her adult beverage.”’

Christ, isn’t a little early for the “Baby It’s Cold Outside” clickbait discourse machine to fire up again? Didn’t we settle this years ago, or has the COVID brain fog destroyed that part of our collective memory?

I’m sure Hamas is right there onboard with the positive LGBTQ+ vibes, Hoze my man. 

Hanging your point on an idea like that is like hanging a giant Pollock painting on a roofing nail.

Agreed, the man knows what looks cool. He still hasn’t made his best film and won’t unless paired with a very strong guiding hand.

Agree. Coopting anti-power movements is as old as time; think about all the countless rock bands with consistent anti-corporate messages... who are on major labels and play big venues, working with the likes of Ticketmaster or whoever. For a long time I’ve felt like populist messaging in music primarily functions as a

They’re dumb opinions, but it’s not like he’s shouting them at you on the street. He’s saying then on a podcast, that by definition, people are listening to because they want to hear his opinions. You clicked this link because you wanted to read his opinions.


I guess it comes down to market size, since the last time most of those acts came through my town (Joel, Elton, McCartney), they opted for the basketball arena instead of the NFL stadium next door (although I think McCartney did multiple nights).

Yep. I’d go see them (although maybe not in a stadium) if it was part of a night out as opposed to a major financial event. $500 for my wife and I to get a couple of shitty seats and a few drinks?  Hard pass.

Oh yeah agreed, I think it’s ridiculous that they hit him with criminal charges.

Now let’s fix the commenting system so I can somehow give this multiple stars/hearts.

That’s straining my recollection! IMO Wonderful, No Good Deed, and For Good are solid, but I couldn't speak to general popularity. We sang For Good at my middle school graduation to illustrate how ubiquitous that musical was in the 2000s.

Meanwhile, me shouting to my husband: “fuck yeah, babe, Jenny Nicholson put out a four hour video this time!”

Probably worth mentioning - almost no one I know who loves longform video essays on youtube just watches them like a movie. I cooked dinner, did dishes, did laundry, swept, and played three runs of Slay the

this is so refreshing to see, a classic av club piece. keep em coming.

They’ve done a terrible job of catering to returning customers in recent years. My wife and I went frequently during the 2010s, but the nickles and dimes started to add up. We have no plans on going back unless they change their current course.

My (confused) thought exactly.

Right, I think it is actually made explicit that Anakin is the only hooman who can pod race because he taps into the force.