
Ok- didn’t argue that the movie wouldn’t make money, so it’s not really the dunk you think it is. And not to delve too deep into punnery, but let’s see how long it’s legs are before writing home, yeah?

This is all really insightful critique, with one strange lapse:

Difference in semantics still, I suppose then.  It certainly has caused enough “interest” and amusement for us in the last few days.

That seems about right.  Even the entire idea of putting women into nothing but exclusively “male” roles in the video has a really tired quality to it.  When you layer on the painfully desperate sexualization, it just comes off as deeply insincere.

I was about the same on X- it’s a decent film, enjoyable if you’re a horror fan, but nothing to write home about. Pearl IS worth your time though. It’s the best of the three by a wide margine.

FWIW, Maxxxine is the least of the three. It’s ok, but pretty sloppy.  That might be “intentional” given it’s supposed to be

Right.  Because everyone who does something wrong (or stands to make a lot of money from someone who did) immediately confirms all allegations against them.  Just ask Harvey Weinstein, P. Diddy, Donald Trump...

Maybe the problem with semantics here isn’t the word “bizarre”, but actually it hinges on our different interpretations of “breakout”.

No, it remains bizarre to suggest a niche horror filmmaker is going to go mainstream with another niche horror movie.

Fully agree. Making a pretty picture is WAY easier than making a moving story. (Not knocking cinematographers or photographers in any way, mind you- this isn’t about the emotional content of the image, just the technical way it looks).

Skinamarink made 2 million dollars at the box office. That’s amazing for a a barely watchable film shot for 19 cents, but if you ask anyone who’s not a horror movie fan about it and they’ll think you’re talking about the kid’s nursery rhyme.

I’m not saying Longlegs won’t be a comparative hit. It very well could be the

Maybe you’re thinking about the clause that prevents the President and VP from being from the same state? That only comes into play if its a Harris?Newsom ticket- someone would have to move.

I’m honestly not sure if you’re kidding or not. I haven’t seen much in the way of marketing, outside of trailers in front of other horror films. Nor do I really know what this movie being a “huge hit” would look like? Even the last Scream movie (a bona fide smash for a horror film) only hit about 160M worldwide. 

The advantage of being slow and meandering is that a sizable portion of the indie audience won’t get it, but will rave about it anyways just because they don’t want to look dumb. And if it’s gorgeous to look at, so much the better.

Yeah, the new(ly returned) focus on actually writing critique on pop-culture is very welcome in my book.  Now if they could just get a decent commenting system back up and running...

I’ve watched a couple of his movies, including this one.  Always the same reaction: very pretty, but not a whole hell of a lot to keep me engaged.  Maybe I just don’t have the patience for his stuff.

Lemme get this straight— you think that a director who specializes in really slow, dense, arguably opaque horror films is going to have “a breakout”?

Pearl was definitely the best of the three.  All of them are enjoyable in their own ways (and I was not really a Ti West fan going into them), but the Mia Goth’s performance in Pearl, not to mention the absolutely fucking fantastic cinematography, make it a cut above the rest.

Probably some combination of “that’s a lot of zeros on that paycheck” and “this movie seems more popular than ever, so why the hell not?”

What the hell are you talking about? Do you think if Biden steps aside, we just wouldn’t have a Vice President somehow?

If he decides not to run but stays in office, Biden is still the president, and she’s still the Vice President. Al Gore was not banned from running for President simply because he was VP at the time

Yeah, I acknowledged all that.  I’m not sure what you’re arguing about.