
All three were filmed in ways to reflect cinema of the time the movie is set, but yeah Pearl definitely benefitted the most from that style for sure (though I did enjoy X’s Texas Chainsaw vibe).

Just gonna slightly push back on Hereditary. Without the back half I don’t love that movie as much as I do. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the uncertain “Is this all in her mind or is this a haunting” tension and the overall family drama tension of the first two acts. But that just makes it an effective

I think there’s a significant element of truth here. I think there are an awful lot of cinephiles of every stripe, including genre fandom, who aren’t rigorously critical of the material they watch and are happy to be impressed by impressive-seeming films. That said, a more generous (but no less annoyed) reading on my

It’s funny how people are shouting down voters who want Biden to step out of the race are also completely clueless when it comes to actual election laws and politics and American history in general.

Big agree. I was on board for a good chunk of Gretel and Hansel but mood/tone can only take me so far. At a certain point shit has to happen. A plot has to come together. This is narrative fucking film, ya know? Leave the tone poems to art galleries.

Pearl blowing off her dad’s head with a shotgun, despite the police helicopter telling her to drop the gun multiple times, and her not only skipping prison for murder but going on to be a star, is this whole trilogy in a nutshell: We COULD have done the necessary work to make things make sense, but then it wouldn’t

Of course, but I prefer to think about how I’m voting for not the guy that will survive the term inflicting untold harm on the future of my kid.  It’s a variation on Pascal’s Wager, honestly. 

Biden should never have ran for a 2nd term. I mean he is 81 , he has done his service they should have planned for someone younger to come in. It doesn’t seem like any other country votes in as many way past their expiry date senators etc as the US.

I agree we should be goddamm furious about it.

Cool. We do deserve that chance. But we only have these two options. One choice will give the opportunity to have more chances, in the future, to vote for who we deserve. The other could very well cancel elections until he is dead.

Short Round alone makes Temple of Doom better than Kingdom or Dial.

or at least, yknow, fewer qualms.

I’m voting for Biden too if he’s the Democratic nominee on the ballot in November, but that’s not the point. The point is that it’s not November right now. The strongest argument I can think of to support Biden in the Democratic Presidential Primary is that he’s the incumbent President and historically, it’s very

I really, really wanted Biden to show up for this debate. I did tune out right before the final half-hour, so there’s a possibility I missed the point in the debate where he curved his arm in front of him and launched a fireball at Trump while shouting “Hadoken!”, but, from the reporting, I think he just carried on

Why don't they just play music in the middle of a minefield to attract all the aliens and kill them? 

true, but I think the opportunity to show the US as a present war zone was worth going...I didn’t think the movie was perfect, or anything, though.  The premise of the hunt is that limousine liberals have deplorables kill each other, Fox would have presented the opposite as wish fulfillment, but liberals I guess feel

Well, duh! Actors like Messing are probably used to flattering slimy entertainment industry bigwigs for the sake of their jobs, but that doesn’t mean she’d endorse him for president of the country. Plus, Messing’s show was off the air by the time Trump launched his campaign, so she certainly didn’t have to pretend

I can’t be alone in having a neutral opinion on Trump before he ran for office. I didn’t know about his dad or his own slum lord origins, or the ad he took out against the Central Park 5. He was just the dude with the “You’re fired!” catchphrase to me (and I was vaguely aware he’d been married several times).

Those aren’t lore gaps, those are intentional omissions. They’re uninteresting at best and actively detrimental to answer at worst.

There’s a lot of needles they’re threading here, and I think honestly it’s a strength of the medium and what they’re swinging for that you can project a layer of depth on it that doesn’t MAYBE ACTUALLY exist here.

1. Are the emotions allowed to feel other emotions - they obviously do, especially in this one. Especially