
Yeah, that world was over 75 years ago. Is your argument that Biden would’ve made a great president in the 1940s?

“Because he has a better chance of winning than anyone picked from American politics”

That’s a party line. It might have been true in 2020, but it’s certainly not now. If the vote is “anyone running against Trump”- and if you’re running a guy who can barely put a sentence together, that’s exactly what you’re telling

Yes, there was more room for them at one point, but they were never the biggest draws. Something like Kramer vs Kramer earning 100M was the exception, not the rule. And even then, it was still only the 4th highest grossing film of 1980 (it was released two weeks before the end of ‘79, so most of the money came in ‘80-

Sorry, that’s straight up trolling. If Crystal Skull isn’t at the bottom of the list, said list is completely invalidated.

Okay, that’s fair.  Maybe, to paraphrase a PJ O’Rourke line: qualms within normal parameters.

My assertion is that we should have been hearing about Democratic politicians, both veteran and the occasional Obama*-esque up-and-comer over the past three and a half years.

Do you not get that the ability to speak is a HUGE fucking part of the “work”? It’s basically the entire job. He’s got to be able to communicate effectively with staff, Congress, other world leaders, and the American people, making the case for what he wants to do and see happen.

And even if he was just a guy who’s

It’s more than plausible. It was a slight probability before the plane crash half the Democratic party seems determined to call minor turbulence. Polls aren’t showing a big change (around 3% is what I last heard), but this is an election which probably hinges on single digit margins.

Biden has been in public multiple times a week for the last four years.”

Speaking extemporaneously? Fielding questions? Or just walking across the WH lawn to get on Marine One? He’s given fewer interviews and press conferences than any president since before I was born.

Yes. I believe I covered that it is the choice I have, and I’m quite sure I was very clear on what choice I will make.

That doesn’t mean that we all shouldn’t be both angry and concerned that there isn’t a viable candidate on the ballot who’s qualified for the job.  

The best point to do so was much, much earlier, but it’s not too late. We still have six weeks before the convention- not a ton of time, but you don’t have to run a full national campaign, just one for a few thousand people in Chicago.

Would it be a really risky move? Sure. But is it any riskier than running Biden, in

Republicans don’t have to make fucking excuses- they don’t have to say anything at all.  The only thing they have to do is run clips from that debate.

Democrats are doing everything they can to try and excuse away what absolutely everyone saw for themselves- and old man who is too old for this much stress. There

Thank you. It’s intensely frustrating to watch people spout the party line bullshit and try and convince (me? themselves?) that he’s anything but an old man who isn’t anywhere near sharp enough to do the job.

I’ve had people tell me: yeah, but it’s really the team that does all the work, the president doesn’t need to

Fyi, if your goal here is to get into some tit-for-tat about how each individual name I throw out is too unpopular or too unsuited, I’m not really interested in continuing.

Literally all of them?  I don’t even understand the question; do you think that if Biden hadn’t decided to run, the DNC wouldn’t have had a primary race?  Harris probably would have been the front-runner, but it’d be far from the first time we’ve seen a VP not get the nomination after their administration ended.

Those grown-up movies were never the big draws.  Look up and down the box office lists, even adjusted for inflation: they’re almost all popcorn movies.

I absolutely fucking hate this take.

That was the plan, except Biden didn’t play along.  He wouldn’t commit to only doing one term, and then committed to running again, and no one wants to split the party (thereby taking the blame for it and ruining their chances of running later) by challenging the incumbent president.

It baffles me that people keep framing it this way. Yes, Trump sucks. Yes, Biden is the better choice between the two of them. But why is he the choice?

Who could replace Biden?  How about literally anyone who appears to have a fully functioning pulse and the ability to put together a coherent sentence?

Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer are the immediate names who come to mind, but here’s two articles that took 3 seconds to find.