
Can you stick to one reply please? This following me up and down this thread screaming hysterics is really trolly.”

Kinja’s shitty interface is not my fault. I’m literally quoting the points you need to understand what I’m referring to, and unless I’m missing something, I’m not somehow forcing you to respond. So... no?

You can honestly tell me that you watched that debate last night and are still convinced that there is absolutely no one else you’d rather have running the country than Joe Biden?

“Reasonable” is looking at that performance and seeing it for reality- the current president is 81 years old, not getting any younger or

Are any of these wide-open ideas good? Do any of them involve anyone in the human race being remotely intelligent? Because if something’s hunting you solely by sound, the answer isn’t being silent, it’s either making as much noise as is humanly possible everywhere all at once to camouflage yourself or making a bunch

“His administration absolutely has other, policy-driven selling points”

But they have a candidate who can’t articulate them.  It doesn’t really matter how strong your case is if the guy who has to deliver them can’t string the words together.  And while Trump is barely coherent too, he gets enough shit to stick that it

Because not everyone shares that apocalyptic view. Don’t get me wrong, I think we narrowly avoided disaster in Trump’s last term by a lot of luck, and there’s no reason to think a second one wouldn’t be ten times worse.

This is based on understanding how US elections and history have operated.”

Absolutely no one can look at that debate last night and honestly say that Joe Biden is their first pick to run the country.

There’s a big difference between actively challenging an incumbent President and campaigning for the role after he steps down.

If Biden refuses to step down, you’re probably correct. No one is going to force the issue. And if he refuses to step down, there is a very serious chance he’s going to hand this election to

He’s no different than most 81 year olds. Trump’s not much younger than Biden, but Trump’s brain is just mush. Trump literally forgets what he’s talking about & changes subjects mid-sentence.

Sorry, but you are out of your mind.

The debate yesterday was absolutely catered to Joe Biden. It took away all of the things Trump does to look strong- move around, play to a crowd, talk over his opponent.

I’ve never understood it on any level.  Binging is bad for marketing (because the buzz is over an gone with faster) and it’s bad for revenue- because you could have people watching weekly for 8 or 10 weeks, instead of for one weekend.  I guess the business model relies somewhat on the apathy of people not cancelling

Yeah.  If you’re just playing power chords and such, MAYBE you could switch hands, but trying to play arpeggios or solos or something?  Forget it.

Haven’t caught The Hunt yet, but the Fox News crowd has never been known for their nuanced, patient takes on... well, anything, really. The thing about Civil War that fascinates me is the weird kind of dare that Garland is doing with the audience.  It’s an interesting experiment in a filmmaker pushing the boundaries

It’s the point, but it just sits there in the middle of the story, desperately hoping people ignore it. It’s like trying to present a real-life, grounded story where everyone also walks upside on their hands all the time. You can go along with it if you’re sufficiently engaged, but it’s never not going to be weird.

Lore is fucking boring.

Lore is what gets hinted at in stories because it doesn’t matter to the story.

Exploring “lore” gets you Prometheus, the Star Wars Prequels, and the Hobbit movies.

They don’t.  Civil War puts states against each other, including California and Texas on the same side.  That doesn’t happen in any reality that’s remotely imminent.  

He doesn’t need a reason, other than it flittered through his addled brain at the time he was being interviewed.


I think it’s being awfully generous in even considering that Trump’s recollection of events is remotely accurate.