
I mean, given the stupidly binary nature of Rotten Tomatoes, I think that tracks.

Just want to say two things:

1) This was an excellent, well-written article more than four paragraphs long about a movie that doesn’t get enough attention and (critically) not a bunch of stupid click-bait. Huzzah.

2) Glad to see I’m not the only one that likes The Terminal. I thought the general consensus was that it

Hopefully he uses the time to work on the scripts.  That’s been by far the weak spot of his last two films.

I mean, more long-form, deep dives into pop culture would be welcome.  But I’m just they will learn the exact wrong lesson and just do more clickbait articles about topics that have been rehashed to death.

I’ll take those points away for it being a full-length feature of outrageous nonsense.

I, for one, am glad to see the joke accounts like yours coming back.

And inexplicably the longest article I’ve read on the site in months.

I don’t understand this site for the life of me any more. Most articles are lucky to get five intelligently written paragraphs, but we get a 3,000 word discourse on Baby It’s Cold Outside in the middle of fucking June?

Now playing

FFS. I just watched a clip of it out of morbid curiosity.

Tiny quibble, but I’m almost positive that Bear episode is handheld, not steadicam.

Not sure how a country that has existed for less than 80 years can do anything for 150 years, but...

No one is doing the right thing here.”

Agreed. I don’t know that there IS a right thing here.

And we can all agree Netanyahu is undoubtedly making things worse, not better, and doing it for political and personal gain, in order to avoid his trial).

And let Hamas continue to kill Israeli children?

What would I have the Palestinians do?

They could give up each and every one of the bastards that committed Oct 7, for a start. And then forget the idea that Israel is going to somehow disappear. It’s not.

Does it not matter that Hamas is using those same children as human shields, hiding in tunnels beneath those same residential streets, as well as schools and hospitals? Does it not matter that Hamas is still holding hostages? Does it not matter that they’re still firing rockets into Israel, and have been for decades?


There’s a moment where the characters are walking around areas familiar from the Nostromo. Then they cross through that building and on the other side: boom! You’re in a hallway that looks like Hadley’s Hope [from Aliens].”

The fact that he’s presenting this as if it’s a great idea, rather than (at best) a winking

That’s playing pretty fast and loose with ownership of franchises there. Cruise is virtually synonymous with Top Gun and Mission: Impossible. You could be forgiven if you forget that Renner even appears in most of the action movies he’s in.


I guess that could be called a strategy on Zaslav’s part, but it remains deeply, deeply short-sighted.  The only people that care if you save a couple million dollars a year but erode all public goodwill for your company is the private equity assholes who are going to jump ship as it’s been bled dry anyway.

So what’s going on with these documentaries—and Disney’s streaming strategy as a whole?”

I think people keep making the mistake of assuming that Disney has a strategy, for anything. It’s not as obvious as WB, with Zaslav flopping around like a fish that accidentally leapt into a speedboat, but I don’t see any clear