
I’m just hoping they have her do something really wild and creative for the last episode, like fly around shooting CGI lightning.

It’s just you.

Are these things the initial attack of some much more advanced species that uses them as biological warfare?

Ah, yes, the evergreen ‘why don’t you just live next to the waterfall?’ question - it doesn’t get any less valid the more of these they make.

celebrate the myriad of ways users express themselves”

A prestige TV remake of Friday the 13th sounds absolutely fucking awful regardless of Fuller being attached. I don’t want to watch 7 episodes of backstory about Jason’s mother’s traumatic past and 1 episode where Jason looks at a hockey mask and maybe kills someone half accidentally in the last 5 minutes setting up

That’s fair. I suppose I wasn’t even thinking of other shows beyond Housewives.

Well like I mentioned I kind of grew up on them, while for some people the act of getting scared is or can be exciting though nothing scares me anymore lol, but when it comes to the horror aspect getting to see new or different “scares” is fun, on the gore side, also growing up I watched a lot of shows on TV about

I think the difference is in what the directors see in it and how they deploy it. Jackson’s gore was almost entirely intended to be funny—a “gag” in a different sense, that’s all. That’s true of Dead Alive, Bad Taste, and Meet the Feebles. Raimi was pushing envelopes to bring in teenage allowance money (he outright

That’s just Ragebaiting 101:

The were too busy proving they could to stop and ask whether they should.

It’s about the actual emotional impact of the piece- the artisitic quality”

The end result of Capitalism may be feudalism after an apocalypse, or UBI.  I mean, they keep calling it “Late Stage” for a reason right?

I really hope he wins - if Cinemark are shorting people on the drinks, does anyone really think they’ve somehow maintained scrupulous honesty about their other practices?

if the techbro predictions come true”

It never fails to amaze (and sadden) me that so much effort is being put into getting machines to replicate something that humans do so easily. Is it hard to draw and write well? Sure, but it’s hard to do anything to a high standard. But writing and drawing at all is something humans do all the time, often quite

Or how about we count Kill Bill as two films and just say he’s done 

Oh ok, I understand where you’re coming from now. I agree that Gutierrez-Reed is - as far as I’m aware - solely responsible for live ammunition being on the set, which directly led to Hutchins’ death.

You have obviously never been on a set and clearly have no idea what a director does. Since you clearly don’t know, they give full control of any prop, from guns to whatever, to the crews that should know what they’re doing, and mostly sit down and watch their work and maybe give tips to the cinematographer on angles

Brandon Lee’s incident was a bizarre and never before seen confluence of circumstances that changed basic protocol and everyone involved wasn’t just contrite, but it sent them into a spiral of depression that some barely recovered from. And there was a court case, but it was civil, so behind the scenes, and a private s