
The saddest part is that the Spirit Halloween movie looks far better made than the new Monster’s movie, which looks like a porn parody minus the porn. 

No notes! This read like an actual movie review in a real publication

Golf courses are the devils playground.....

It’s really a hostage situation at this point.

Oh god no I absolutely hate it. The plots are all the same recycled garbage for the 5th or 6th time, and the characterizations and motivations of people make absolutely no sense and are wildly inconsistent. But it’s almost over now.

I’m watching for completeness’ sake. I don’t enjoy it, but I came this far, I might as well stick around to see how they fuck up the ending.

Because that’s exactly what they are.

No. Once was enough.

Honestly, I’m at the point where I view them like a stereotypical organized crime family. The smart ones are the ones pocketing the money from the shadows. The rest are just vying for money and power.

rule book the size of the Bible

I think the Jumanji movies are probably the closest we’re ever going to get to successful Dungeons and Dragons movies, but I’m willing to see how this goes.

Yeah I totally missed that joke, had i been fully away I’d have seen intensive purposes as well.  

Thank you for explaining only 1/3rd of the jokes I made there.

If you wrote 5 x 1000 page novels that left you in a spot with dozens of subplots that need to be tied together by the end of 2 more 1000 page novels and it seems impossible, but you have a way to make 10s or 100s of millions of dollars by just giving orders and signing deals, you probably wouldn’t write those 2 last

Maybe YOU don’t. Lots of people of different problems, you know?

“presumably reviewed by an editor”

You’re doing this shit on purpose just to wind me up

Where is the CEO of Tits when we need him most!!

I thought that too and am still mad about the dumb ending that even GRRM said was not how the real story ends.

D&D literally got the job after guessing that ending. What I think he’s really saying is “holy shit, that’s not how it’s going to end now.

It’s the dragons that gave it away?