
I’m more annoyed that there was less discussion of Shaw’s intended feminist argument in Pygmalion. Not because that makes it “timely” in any way, but because he was so mad at stage versions that put Higgins & Eliza together at the end that he added an afterword explaining why she married the aristocrat referred to as

Rabbit of Seville, bitch. Yes, you’re next. Youuuuuu’re, so next.

“Citation needed.”

“But what if it’s the only movie I see this year?”

Yeah, I think, “Protect queer businesses by buying shit online, instead of at those queer businesses” is probably not a great strategy for protecting queer businesses.

Impeachment is a waste of time. The Senate won’t take it up and Trump will claim it as a victory.  

RQS got their wires cross and meant to send this to Salty Waitress. She fields a lot more of these “entitled assholes that need to be put in their place”.

Cool. So the Dems should just waste everyone’s time engaging in an impeachment that’ll get shot down and stopped dead by the GOP who controls the Senate and Supreme Court and Trump comes out of that more popular and electable than before?

Good lord this “ally” shit has become intolerable.

Not needed but un-STFU anyway so suck it. Your post is awesome.  Going back to STFU.  

Yeah, tbh someone saying of themselves they are an ally is kind of a red flag for me.

Allies don’t say it. Allies shut the fuck up until they are needed, and then they help, and go back to shutting the fuck up.
If you want praises, do something deserving of praises. Being a decent human is not.

I couldn’t agree more. As one of the longest standing members here that saw most of the longtime community drop The AV Club—primarily because of the Kinjapocalypse—one of my biggest pop culture disappointments is just how much this site went downhill during the Univision takeover in general, and still suffers to this

This is why horror is my favorite genre. A bad comedy is excruciating, a bad drama is boring, but at least a bad horror movie can still be a blast under the right circumstances. 

Not triggered at all. But I am wondering, why is “and male” even in this sentence? What point is being made here? The home invasion template has only changed in one way: the skin color of the protagonists, who are usually a married couple with the female partner often foregrounded. “Less male” has fuck-all to do with

Historically, home invasion films have put young, pretty white women at their center... But in the last 10 years, there’s been a shift in the narrative. The home-invasion tropes remain the same, but the lives of those at risk are less white and male

I think he likely means the talent and production crew that they bring in.

This is a really shitty take; he didn't say maybe, he said they'd have no choice but to leave. That's pretty unequivocal and he'd get fired if he said it the way you wanted him to.

so that the show could use its budget in less episodes

So much hate in you. I can’t begin to imagine how sad and lonely your days must be for you to wait for nights to watch shows you disdain. 

lazy writing giveth magic crossbows, lazy writing taketh away magic crossbows.